Beef Tenderloin Recipes

Beef Tenderloin Recipes

Whether you are on a diet for weight loss or simply want to eat healthy and watch your nutrition cooking your own food will give you a lot more control over your diet plan. Let recipes like these (we have thousand of recipes, old and new) inspire you to get cooking and put together your own meal plans.

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Classic Beef Wellington Recipe:
To make mushroom duxelles: Add mushrooms, garlic and thyme to a large food processor and pulse to get a chopped mixture with spreadable consistency but with a bit of Continue Reading →

Chiang Mai Steaks Recipe:
Prepare coconut milk. Combine flour and salt;dust beef tenderloin steaks Shake off excess flour and reserve Heat butter and oil in large heavy frying pan over medium Continue Reading →

Fat-free Beef Stroganoff Recipe:
Cut meat across the grain into 3/4' slices, then into strips 3x1/4 inch. Melt 1/4 cup butter in large skillet. Cook and stir mushrooms in butter about 5 minutes; remove Continue Reading →

Sous Vide Steak Recipe:
Preheat a sous vide cooker to desired final temperature Season steaks generously with salt and pepper Place in sous vide bags along with herbs, garlic, and shallots (if Continue Reading →

Lobster Stuffed Tenderloin of Beef Recipe:
Cut tenderloin lengthwise to within 1/2' of the bottom. Place frozen lobster tails in boiling water to cover; simmer for 5 minutes. Remove lobster from shells. Cut in Continue Reading →

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