Easy Crepe Recipes

Easy Crepe Recipes

Whether you are on a diet for weight loss or simply want to eat healthy and watch your nutrition cooking your own food will give you a lot more control over your diet plan. Let recipes like these (we have thousand of recipes, old and new) inspire you to get cooking and put together your own meal plans.

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Basic Crepes Recipe
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Almond Cream Crepes Recipe:
In small saucepan combine sugar and flour. Add milk and cook and stir until thickened and bubbly, then cook 2 minutes more. Beat egg and yolk together slightly; Continue Reading →

Keto Crepes with Peanut Butter and Coconut Recipe:
Whisk the eggs, cream cheese, and salt in a mixing bowl. Heat the oil in a pancake frying pan over medium-high heat. Fry each pancake for 4 to 5 minutes. Serve topped Continue Reading →

Low Fat Strawberry Crepes with Honey Suzette Sauce Recipe:
Prepare Low-Fat Honey Crepes. In small saucepan, whisk together honey, orange juice, lemon juice, orange peel, lemon peel and cornstarch until well blended and Continue Reading →

Low-Fat Chicken and Asparagus Crepes Recipe:
Combine sour cream, honey, lemon juice, curry powder, salt and ground red pepper in large bowl until well blended. Add chicken, asparagus, bell pepper and green onions; Continue Reading →

Cheesy Garden Tuna-Filled Crepes Recipe:
Prepare crepes Place broccoli in 1 1/2 qt microwave safe casserole Cover and microwave as directed on pkg ;drain Stir in 1 1/2 cups cheese and the remaining ingredients. Continue Reading →

Wild Salmon Crepes Seafood Recipe:
Drain can of salmon, reserving the juice Break fish into large pieces Set aside Mix together the spinach and 75g / 3oz of the flour Beat the egg and milk and add Continue Reading →

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