Spicy Dal Fry Indian Recipe

Recipe Category: Dal


Spicy Dal Fry Indian Recipe


  • 3/4 cup toor dal.
  • two medium tomatoes.
  • a bunch of coriander leaves.
  • 2 tsp coriander powder.
  • some red chillies(around 10) or 2-3 teaspoons of chilli powder.
  • 2-3 flakes garlic.
  • a small piece of ginger.
  • 1/4 stick butter.
  • three small onions.
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds or powder.
  • 1 each cardamom, cinammon, cloves.
  • salt to taste.


  1. Boil the toor dhal in the cooker for only two whistles.
  2. It should be just boiled and not too soft.
  3. In the blender, grind together two onions, garlic, ginger, coriander leaves, tomatoes,cumin seeds,coriander powder and the red chillies(or powder).
  4. Slice the other onion finely.
  5. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the sliced onion with the cardomom,cinammon and cloves.
  6. When the onions are turning a little brown, add the ground masala and fry for around 15-20 minutes(all the water should have evaporated, and the paste should be dry).
  7. Now add the boiled dhal to it and add a little water to make a gravy.
  8. Add salt to taste.
  9. Boil for a while till you get the required consistency.
  10. Eat it hot with rice and papad.

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