Home Remedies Menstrual Cramps

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Menstrual Cramps:

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  • Chasteberry
  • Kava
  • Raspberry

Natural Cures and Remedies for Menstrual Cramps


Use Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag Phos) cell salts for menstrual cramping. Take six pellets under the tongue every 20 minutes until cramping subsides.

Chamomile ( Matricaria species) was used as an herbal remedy by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and the herb’s mild-flavored tea has been recommended for menstrual cramps, stomach pain, indigestion, and fever. The tea, made with a tiny bit of honey, is excellent for treating an upset stomach. Used topically, chamomile poultices, lotions, and creams can have cosmetic and dermatologic benefits as well.

Chasteberry, Kava, Raspberry

Premenstrual syndrome, otherwise not so lovingly called PMS, consists of varying symptoms that commence a few days before menstruation and completely pass after menstruation has ended. Furthermore, in order to fully qualify as PMS, the symptoms must not start more than 14 days prior to the onset of menstruation and must increase in intensity so that the worst distress is felt immediately before the heaviest of the bleeding begins. The symptoms can be anticipated with cyclic regularity. The severity of PMS symptoms ranges from mild to incapacitating. Symptoms can occur for only one or two days or may begin at ovulation and continue until the onset of menstruation. Actually, dysmenorrhea (or menstrual cramps) is not considered a symptom of PMS. However, a woman can experience both PMS and dysmenorrhea.

Indications (Bael) – Allergy ; Ameba ; Ankylostomiasis ; Aphtha ; Asthma ; Bacteria ; Beriberi ; Bronchosis ; Cancer, abdomen ; Cancer, colon ; Cancer, nose ; Cardiopathy ; Catarrh ; Colitis ; Conjunctivosis ; Constipation ; Convulsion ; Cramp ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Dropsy ; Dysentery ; Dyspepsia ; Edema ; Enterosis ; Escherichia ; Fever ; Fungus ; Gastrosis ; Giardia ; Gonorrhea ; Hyperglycemia ; IBS ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Jaundice ; Malaria ; Mucososis ; Mycosis ; 49

Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction or a decrease in their functions, brought about by a variety of fators such as surgical injuries, tumour, excessive radiation and lack of normal menstrual cycle. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are yet other factors which can contribute to female sterility.


The majority of patients recover between the ages 20 and 30 years. But it is still common in men over 30 years. In women, it rarely lasts beyond the early thirties and is normally worse before each menstrual period. The diseases causes a great deal of embarrassment at an age when people tend to be sensitive about personal appearance.

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