Without a doubt there are natural remedies for almost all ailments or illnesses However there are a great many myths about miracle cures for acne, back pain, arthritis and so on Often you will be better saving your money and using natural methods for your aliments, aches and pains.
From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Bronchitis:
Scroll down for links.
- American Ginseng
- Barberry Root
- Bromelain
- Cayenne
- Citrus Bioflavonoids
- Coltsfoot
- Echinacea
- Eucalyptus Tea
- Evening Primrose
- Fennel Seed
- Fenugreek
- Green Tea
- Hemp Oil
- Horehound
- Horney Goat Weed
- Horny Goat Weed
- Hyssop
- Inula
- Lemon Balm
- Lobelia
- Mullein Leaf
- Myrrh
- Nettle
- Orris Root
- Pau D Arco
- Pelargonium
- Pleurisy Root
- Quercetin
- Red Clover Blossoms
- Thyme
- White Pine Bark
Natural Cures and Remedies for Bronchitis
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The chief cause of bronchitis is wrong feeding habits. The habitual use of refined foods such as white sugar, refined cereals and white-flour products results in the accumulation of morbid matter in the system and collection of toxic waste in the bronchial tube. Another important cause of this disease is smoking. Excessive smoking irritates the bronchial tubes and lowers their resistance so that they become vulnerable to germs breathed in from the atmosphere. Other causes of bronchitis are living or working in stuffy atmosphere, use of drugs to suppress earlier diseases and hereditary factors. Changes in weather and environment are common factors for the onset of the disease.
Bronchitis, chronic: this mostly affects older people, and needs an individual approach and the right combination of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herbs.
American Ginseng, Barberry Root, Bromelain, Cayenne, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Coltsfoot, Echinacea, Eucalyptus Tea, Evening Primrose, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Green Tea, Hemp Oil, Horehound, Horney Goat Weed, Horny Goat Weed, Hyssop, Inula, Lemon Balm, Lobelia, Mullein Leaf, Myrrh, Nettle, Orris Root, Pau D Arco, Pelargonium, Pleurisy Root, Quercetin, Red Clover Blossoms, Thyme, White Pine Bark
Another effective remedy for bronchitis is a mixture of dried ginger powder, pepper and long pepper taken in equal quantities three times a day. It may be licked with honey or infused with one’s daily tea. The powder of these three ingredients have antipyretic qualities and are effective in dealing with fever accompanied by bronchitis. They also tone up the metabolism of the patient.
In acute cases of bronchitis , the patient should fast on orange juice and water till the acute symptoms subside. The procedure is to take the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thereafter, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days. In case of chronic bronchitis, the patient can begin with an all- fruit diet for five to seven days, taking each day three meals of fresh juicy fruits. After the all-fruit diet, the patient should follow a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water or cold or hot plain water may betaken. The patient should avoid meats, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods, soft-drinks, candies, ice-cream and products made from sugar and white flour.
One patient, Susan, had high blood pressure much of her adult life but opted not to treat it medically. By her late sixties she had undergone a triple coronary-artery bypass. She consulted Dr. Kunin after repeated attacks of angina (heart pain), arrhythmias after exercising, muscle aches, postoperative memory loss, bronchitis, and coughing. Memory loss is common after bypass surgery, and Susan had difficulty recalling her recent medical history.
American Ginseng
Barberry Root
Citrus Bioflavonoids
Eucalyptus Tea
Evening Primrose
Fennel Seed
Green Tea
Hemp Oil
Horney Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed
Lemon Balm
Mullein Leaf
Orris Root
Pau D Arco
Pleurisy Root
Red Clover Blossoms
White Pine Bark
Sarvangasana helps relieve bronchitis, dyspepsia, varicose veins and peps up the digestion. It stimulates the thyroid and para-thyroid glands, influences the bran, heart and lungs. It helps lymphatic juices to circulate in the brain and strengthens the mind. This asana should not be done by those suffering Viparitkarani from high blood pressure, heart disease and eye trouble.