A full round of Surya Namaskar is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses, with a change in the second set where the opposing leg is moved first. It improves flexibility, strength, balance, reduces stress and anxiety, reduces symptoms of lower back pain, shortens labour and improves birth outcomes, and reduces sleep disturbances and hypertension. It also increases energy and decreases fatigue and are very beneficial for asthma & chronic diseases. This is a basic yoga asana to stretch your legs and reduce weight.
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Based on Vinyasa/Flow Yoga, Men age 17-25 should complete 24 Salutations in a 1 hour period and Men 25-35 should complete 23 Salutations in 1 hours. Women in the 17-21 age range, should complete 22 Salutations in 1 hours with Women 25-35 achieving 21.
Over 35s Men over 35 should complete 22 Salutations in a 1 hour period and Women over 35 should complete 20 Salutations in 1 hours.
Over 60s Men over 60, should complete 20 Salutations in 1 hours with Women over 60 executing 19.
Safety It goes without saying, consult your doctor before starting Salutations, especially as you get older, if you have health concerns or have not had a recent check up.
Calories Burned based on Time and Weight.