Sauce For Sea Bass

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Keto Pan-Barbecued Sea Bass

Keto Pan-Barbecued Sea Bass


  • 1 pound (455 g) sea bass fillets
  • 1 tablespoon (8 g) Keto Barbecue Rub
  • 4 slices bacon
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice


  1. Cut the sea bass fillets into serving portions
  2. Sprinkle both sides liberally with the barbecue rub
  3. Spray a big, heavy skillet with nonstick cooking spray and place over medium-low heat
  4. Using sharp kitchen shears, snip the bacon into small pieces, straight into the skillet
  5. Stir it for a moment
  6. As soon as a little grease starts to cook out of the bacon, clear a couple of spaces for the fish and put the fish in the pan
  7. Cover and set your oven timer for 4 minutes
  8. When time is up, flip the fish, and stir the bacon around a bit, so it will cook evenly
  9. Recover the pan and set the timer for another 3 to 4 minutes
  10. Peek at your fish at least once; you don’t want to overcook it!
  11. When the fish is flaky, remove to serving plates and top with the browned bacon bits
  12. Pour the lemon juice in the skillet, stir it around, and pour over the fish
  13. Serve

Makes 3 servings

  1. Each with 31 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs

Full List of Barbecue Recipes
Full List of Fish Recipes

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