
Spices and herbs can play a vital role in our health and can easily be included in your diet if you cook.  For those that don't there's a huge range of vitamins and health supplements available online.

From our list of ailments, see what Lemon Juice can be used for:

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  • Kidney Stones

Natural Remedies using Lemon Juice

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So, should you collect from the wild at all? In my view, no. It is best to grow your own or to buy ready-dried or processed herbs from an ethical supplier. Unless you are absolutely sure that a particular plant is so abundant that what you take will make little difference, please do not collect from the wild. Wild habitats have become so fragile that even collecting seemingly common plants such as elderflower or nettle may be harmful to the local environment.

Kidney Stones

The Benefit of using Lemon Juice as a natural cure

Selenium and vitamin E are synergistic and the two together are stronger than the sum of the equal parts. Selenium slows down ageing and hardening of tissues through oxidation. Males seem to have a greater need for this mineral. Nearly half of the total supply in the body is concentrated in the testicles and in the seminal ducts adjacent to the prostate gland.

While gathering roots and rhizomes, replant root crowns and rhizome pieces directly in the ground, especially if a bud is present, to help the plant regrow. If you need to strip bark, do not remove it from a living part of the plant. Instead, look for freshly fallen branches and remove bark from those parts. If you must remove bark from a healthy part of a plant, remove only very small, vertical strips, and never, ever girdle a tree (remove bark horizontally around the entire trunk) or you will kill it entirely. If you cut too much, the wound you create opens a path for bacterial and fungal infections, which can kill the tree.

Extracts (Asparagus) – Asparagusic acid nematicidal. As the richest source of glutathione (at least as cited in JNU), asparagus could be credited with many of the activities of glutathione, a major antioxidant that also detoxifies carcinogens and pollutants, maintains healthy liver, boosts the immune system, aids cell replication, repairs damaged DNA, and reduces inflammation.

Kidney Stones

You will need a specific preparation of St John’s wort that is called St John’s wort infused oil. You can buy it ready-made from specialist retailers or make your own (see Chapter 26). For directions of usage see the earache entry in the next section of this chapter. Precautions for the internal use of St John’s wort do not apply to the St John’s wort infused oil.

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