Baking With Yogurt

Whether you are on a diet for weight loss or simply want to eat healthy and watch your nutrition cooking your own food will give you a lot more control over your diet plan. Let recipes like these (we have thousand of recipes, old and new) inspire you to get cooking and put together your own meal plans.

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Chocolate and Frozen Yogurt Profiteroles

Chocolate And Frozen Yogurt Profiteroles


  • ¼ liter of water
  • 100 g of butter
  • 150 g of flour
  • salt
  • 5 eggs
  • 250 g of plain yogurt with sugar
  • 250 g of covered chocolate


  1. Preparation: We put the water, butter and salt in a saucepan and heat
  2. When the butter has diluted and the water begins to boil, add all the flour and mix well with a wooden spoon
  3. We leave the dough in the fire until it detaches well from the walls of the saucepan
  4. We remove from the heat and let it cool a little
  5. Add the eggs one by one, not incorporating the next egg until the previous one is perfectly linked
  6. Fill the dough with a piping bag and make walnut-sized piles on a greased baking sheet, keeping in mind that they will increase in size once they begin to cook in the oven
  7. Bake at 210ºC for 15-20 minutes, being careful during cooking not to open the oven, because the dough cools down and does not rise
  8. Once the profiteroles are golden brown, we take them out of the oven and let them cool and then we open them in half
  9. With the help of a pastry bag we fill with sugary natural yogurt and put it in the freezer for 1 hour
  10. We heat the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave (removing and stirring in short intervals of time) and water the profiteroles just before serving them because the beauty of profiteroles is the contrast produced by the cold of the filling with the hot chocolate

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