A study by Boston University followed 320 patients for 12 weeks of yoga and found that it was beneficial. We all feel that slight discomfort when stretching muscles, especially for the first time, that’s normal and it usually feels good, but if you aren’t sure then go steady until you are convinced it is benefitting you not harming you. Remember, you may not see the result until next day or even the day after. The golden rule, go slow and IF IT HURTS STOP!
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Back pain, including lower back pain can make doing even the most routine things highly uncomfortable or even downright painful. However while this pain should not put a stop to your workout, you need to use caution. It goes without saying, check with your medical practitioner first. Some yoga asanas with a spinal twist are recommended elsewhere but in my view, this is a gamble as to whether it hurts or helps – so stick to the basics and listen to your body.