Recipe Category: Italian
- Serving Size : 6
- 1 lg shrimp
- butter.
- ritz crackers
- garlic
- Take the shrimp and split them thru the shell as you would a lobster >>>next tail.
- That is split them on the rounded part of the shell.
- DO NOT REMOVE shell.
- After they have been split pull them so that the meat isseperated from the shell and then lay them back in the shell.
- ONLY pull till you reach the tail.
- REMEMBER you do not want to remove from shell.
- Lay all of the opened shrimp on a baking pan and brush with a mixture of FRESH GARLIC AND BUTTER.
- Take a tube of ritz crackers and squeeze them like an accordian until they are crushed.
- Sprinkle the crackers on the buttered shrimp and then POUR GAR- LIC AND BUTTER over them again >>>>>NEXT This may be frozen at this point or placed in the fridge.
- Place the pan in a 400 degree (f) oven and bake until the crumbs start to brown.
- Take from oven and enjoy.
- Lobster Tails with GREAT results.
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Full List of Shrimp Recipes