Paneer Paratha Indian Recipe

Recipe Category: Side-Dish


Paneer Paratha Indian Recipe


Makesd 4

  • 1 cup WholeWheat Flour
  • 200g Paneer
  • 2 Green Chillis
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped Coriander Leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Ajwain / Carom Seeds
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Ghee / Oil


  1. Take wheat flour in a mixing bowl and add water little by little and knead it to a soft but stiff dough, cover the dough with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15 minutes
  2. Add chopped green chillies, coriander leaves,cumin powder, ajwain and salt and mix well
  3. Make 4 equal sized balls out of the paneer filling
  4. Make 4 balls out of the wheat flour dough
  5. Flatten each dough ball to a small circle
  6. Knead the sides leaving a small mound in the middle
  7. Keep a ball of Paneer filling in the middle of the rolled dough
  8. Carefully close the dough sealing all the corners of the dough and make sure filling is properly sealed
  9. Keep repeating the step for the rest of dough and filling
  10. Take each stuffed dough ball and roll it, dusting flour on both the sides
  11. Roll it gently and slowly to make sure the stuffing doesn’t comes out
  12. Heat a pan to smoky hot
  13. Place the rolled paratha in the pan
  14. Cook the paratha till you start getting bubbles
  15. Gently flip it on the other side and cook the paratha
  16. Apply butter on the cooked side
  17. Again flip the paratha to the other side and apply butter and cook the paratha till both the sides turns nicely golden brown color
  18. Remove paratha from heat
  19. Repeat the same for rest of the parathas

Full List of Side-Dish Recipes
Full List of Paratha Recipes

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