Incisional Hernia

Incisional Hernia

The incisional hernia (or scar) locates in a place where there was an incision (surgery). The scar young and / or poorly closed offer less resistance and intestine may then creating an opening and infiltrate it.  Patients with incisional hernia median, restorative intervention with polypropylene plate is more effective against recurrent hernias, regardless of the size of the hernia. This is the conclusion of a Dutch multi-center study published

In the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine in which 200 patients hospitalized for hernia surgery were randomized to either an intervention or restorative suture plate.

These patients were scheduled for restorative intervention of a primary hernia or a first recurrence of hernia at a lower abdominal midline vertical incision 6 cm long or wide.

Patients were followed clinically at 1, 6, 12, 18 and 36 months. The recurrence rate of incisional hernia were analyzed using a method of monitoring long-term cumulative.

Among the 154 patients with primary hernias and 27 others with first recurrence of hernia eligible for the study, 56 had recurrences during the follow-up period, indicate Dr. Roland and colleagues from the Department of Surgery University Hospital Rotterdam (Rotterdam, Netherlands).

The cumulative rates of recurrence at 3 years in patients who underwent suture repair and those who had a repair plate were respectively 43% and 24%, to regard primary hernias. Recurrence rates were 58% and 20% for repairs to a first recurrence of hernia.

The authors state that “the risk factors for recurrence were interventions by suture, infection, prostate in men, and a history of surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm.”

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