You do not have to walk for hours, count calories or steps. A brisk 20-minute daily walk has many health benefits and covers your recommended 20 minutes of exercise a day. If you want to do more gradually increase your pace or distance (not both at the same time though).
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In 1 hour Men age 17-25 should be able to walk about 7 miles. Men 25-35 should manage about 6.7 miles. Women in the 17-21 age range, comfortably reach 6.9 miles with Women 25-35 achieving 6.6 miles.
Over 35s Men over 35 on average walk roughly 6.5 miles in an hour. Women over 35 a little less, 6.3 miles.
Over 60s Men over 60, on average walk 6.2 miles in an hour while Women over 60 walk 6.1 miles.
Safety It goes without saying, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program especially as you get older, if you have health concerns or have not had a recent check up.
Calories Burned based on Time and Weight.