Without a doubt there are natural remedies for almost all ailments or illnesses However there are a great many myths about miracle cures for acne, back pain, arthritis and so on Often you will be better saving your money and using natural methods for your aliments, aches and pains.
From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Diabetes:
Scroll down for links.
- Aloe Vera Leaf
- American Ginseng
- Banaba
- Bitter Melon
- Blueberry
- Bromelain
- Burdock Root
- Cayenne
- Chlorella
- Cinnamon
- Dandelion Root
- Fenugreek
- Flaxseed
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Glucomannan Konjac Root
- Gymnema
- Hemp Oil
- Juniper Berries
- Korean Ginseng
- Maitake
- Mushroom
- Onion
- Pau D Arco
- Quercetin
- Spirulina
- White Kidney Bean
- White Oak Bark
- Yucca
Natural Cures and Remedies for Diabetes
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Physicians and biomedical researchers are starting to appreciate the significance of the Inflammation Syndrome-how many different inflammatory diseases are interrelated. As one example, being overweight significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes, a disease with a strong undercurrent of inflammation. Both overweight and diabetes increase the risk of coronary artery disease, now recognized as being inflammatory in origin.
Indications (Bael) – Allergy ; Ameba ; Ankylostomiasis ; Aphtha ; Asthma ; Bacteria ; Beriberi ; Bronchosis ; Cancer, abdomen ; Cancer, colon ; Cancer, nose ; Cardiopathy ; Catarrh ; Colitis ; Conjunctivosis ; Constipation ; Convulsion ; Cramp ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Dropsy ; Dysentery ; Dyspepsia ; Edema ; Enterosis ; Escherichia ; Fever ; Fungus ; Gastrosis ; Giardia ; Gonorrhea ; Hyperglycemia ; IBS ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Jaundice ; Malaria ; Mucososis ; Mycosis ; 49
Beans Navy, Cinnamon, Eleutherococcus, Flaxseed, Garlic, Pinto
Silymarin can have significant glucose-lowering effects in people with diabetes. An Italian study found major improvements in blood sugar levels and many other symptoms of diabetes after patients took silymarin supplements for one year.
Indications (Boswellia) – Allergy ; Alzheimer’s ; Arthrosis ; Asthma ; Biliousness ; Boil ; Bronchosis ; Bursitis ; Cancer ; Cancer, skin ; Carbuncle ; Colitis ; Convulsion ; Cough ; Crohns Disease ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes ; Diarrhea ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia ; Edema ; Fever (f; KAB; KAP;
Dr. William Davis, who became quite popular through his book “Wheat Belly” used this fact about wheat to help him cure his diabetic patients. Yes, his patients were cured of diabetes which many doctors believed can only be managed but not cured. After only three months of wheat free diet, his diabetic patients became non-diabetics. Most of his patients lost a minimum of 20 pounds. Others were reported to have lost as much as 40 pounds in three months.
Aloe Vera Leaf
American Ginseng
Bitter Melon
Burdock Root
Dandelion Root
Glucomannan Konjac Root
Hemp Oil
Juniper Berries
Korean Ginseng
Pau D Arco
White Kidney Bean
White Oak Bark
Cystosis ; Cytomegalovirus ; Deafness ; Debility ; Dementia ; Dermatosis ; Diabetes (1; LAW; MAM;