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Quote from Lyle McDonald author of: The RAPID FAT LOSS HANDBOOK (A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting) – he was right when he wrote it and nothing has changed! No links to buy it here – if you want it you will easy find it.
“The bottom line is this, no matter what I or anybody else says about it, people are going to crash diet. Sometimes it’s necessary or beneficial, other times it’s not. Regardless, people are going to do it. With that realization made, I figure that the least that can be done is to make sure that such crash diets are done as safely and as intelligently as possible. Using nutritional science and research, we can develop a crash diet that isn’t totally stupid, that will be safe and sane (within the limits of crash dieting) at least compared to everything else that’s out there.
Trust me, there’s a lot of really dumb ways to lose weight fast out there. All vegetables, all fruit, nothing but broth, that cabbage soup thing, just a lot of stupid, stupid shit. This book isn’t such an approach. It relies on cutting edge nutritional science to ensure that rapid weight/fat loss is accomplished as effectively and safely as possible. I’d be lying if I said it was an easy diet, but it is an effective one.”