
From our list of ailments, see what Cranesbill can be used for:

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  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive Menstruation

Natural Remedies using Cranesbill


Diarrhoea is a symptom of many diseases. The recommendations for treatment included here refer to the simple, occasional looseness of stool that we all experience after a suspect meal or when eating unfamiliar food abroad. If your diarrhoea does not improve within 24 hours or is exceptionally watery you must seek medical help, as there is a danger of dehydration. This is especially important with small children, who can get dehydrated rapidly, so make sure that they drink a lot. Water with lemon juice and honey is good, or any diluted fruit juice.

Diarrhea, Excessive Menstruation

The Benefit of using Cranesbill as a natural cure

Activities (Kola Nuts) – Anorectic ; Antiviral ; Aphrodisiac ; Cardiotonic ; CNS-Stimulant ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Masticatory ; Nervine ; Stimulant ; Tonic .

CRC; PNC); Uterotonic ; Vasoconstrictor ; Vermifuge ; Vulnerary .

Excessive Menstruation

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