Cracker Jill Recipe

Recipe Category: Snack


Cracker Jill Recipe


  • Serving Size : 1
  • 10 cups popped corn
  • 1 1/2 cups unsalted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup margarine
  • 1 cup brown sugar – firm packed
  • 1/4 cup dark corn syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 250:.
  2. Mix the popped corn and peanuts in a very large bowl.
  3. Keep warm in the oven set at 250:.
  4. Melt the butter in heavy saucepan.
  5. Stir in the brown sugar, corn syrup and salt and bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly.
  6. Boil without stirring for 5 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat.
  8. Stir in baking soda and vanilla quickly pour over warm popcorn mix
  9. Stir until well coated.
  10. Bake in shallow pan or cookie sheet for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
  11. Makes 2 quarts.

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Full List of Peanut Recipes

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