Sport is one of the most popular means for people to get exercise. And as an added bonus, it’s also fun and fulfilling to do. This pretty much explains why it is being pursued by nearly 600,000,000 folks, both in a professional and amateur manner. And among the currently established types, it is basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse and hockey that attract the most players. Back in the day, only men had the privilege to engage in sports. But by the 20th century, more and more women became involved, thereby giving the public a whole new spectacle to look forward to. But this change in dynamic has not yet affected the number of injuries incurred during a game and within the term of an athlete. And even with specialist medicine, folks still end up in pretty bad shape that their careers are stalled or cut at the cusps.Taking Care of the BodyGiven this, it is essential that you, as an athlete, take good care of your body. Just because there are medical professionals on standby, that doesn’t mean you could dive in first into dangerous situations or push yourself to the limit. Losing a life and a limb cannot be replaced by the money you earn or win. And it certainly will not be justified by any game-related reason you can think of. So might as well learn how to assess situations and become a responsible player. To help you out in this particular goal, here are some of the most common injuries you may develop because of a game and a few tips on how to properly manage them.Defining ConcussionsConcussions are brain injuries usually brought about by a blow to the head. This is commonly experienced by folks who play football, hockey and soccer since they are frequently using this part in defensive and offensive moves. But this does not mean that other players are exempted. Even a gymnast or a boxer is prone to this given the rules of their sport. Disorientation, headache, loss of balance, visual disturbance and amnesia are just some of the symptoms of this condition. And upon repeated infliction, loss of consciousness as well as permanent brain damage can be developed. To treat it, you must take it upon yourself to withdraw yourself from the game and rest. The length of time required will all depend on how badly you got knocked out. Doctors will often prescribe you with pain relievers for the symptom. But it is only you who can prevent the possibility of being caught in a potentially fatal condition.Achilles TendinitisAnother common sport injury that athletes deal with is Achilles tendinitis and this basically occurs out of feet overuse. The Achilles tendon is a tendon found on the back of the leg which serves to attach the calf (gastrocnemius) to the plantaris, soleus muscle and the heel (calcaneus) bone. It usually manifests itself as pain and inflammation on the lower leg and feet. And if left untreated, it can become chronic and it may interrupt with movement. Obviously, these are very common among those who engage in a lot of running when playing sports. And what a sports medicinedoctor will often recommend to prevent this is to perform warm up exercises before fully engaging in the game. Strengthening exercises for the calf muscle is also highly recommended to increase its threshold. And once the problem has set in, the athlete is required to rest, put ice on the affected area, apply compression and of course, elevate to promote venous return. The only medications required for this are anti-inflammatory drugs. But they are not compulsory since there are plenty of methods available to deal with the discomfort.Shoulder InjuriesFinally, there’s shoulder injury, which involves strains, sprains and dislocations. It is commonly experienced by swimmers, baseball and tennis players, given their sport’s demand on the upper limbs. But other athletes are also subject to this physical dilemma. Like the previous entry, this basically occurs out of overuse. And the most affected part is the rotator cuff, which is a group of tendons and muscles surrounding the shoulder area. Once you have it, you’ll experience pain, weakness and stiffness on the shoulder area. And the only way you can keep it from worsening is take yourself out of the game for a season. See, if you keep things up, you will most likely tear your arm off your body. And it doesn’t take an expert to figure out how that type of damage can cost you your whole career. Strength training comes after the symptoms have died down and the body has started healing itself. But until then, you will have to rest, apply ice, compress and elevate the area.Some players pay little attention to their body’s needs and throw themselves at the mercy of the sport. What they do not realize is that, in doing so, they are just pulling themselves away from it for good. Don’t be so hard on yourself when you develop the aforementioned conditions because it is merely a part of the experience. Some days you win some. And some days you lose. That is the game. And admitting personal defeat is an essential aspect of sportsmanship.Cedric Loiselle is a highly talented writer providing quality articles for a wide range of niches including health and fitness. If you want to schedule a consultation with the best orthopedists in sports medicine Milwaukee offers, check out his articles for tips and advice.
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