Beginners Yoga Poses

Bound Angle Pose:
This yoga asana for beginners helps to open up the hips and ease sciatica discomfort that can be made worse by sitting for long periods. The sciatic nerve starts in the Continue Reading →

Cat Cow Pose:
The Cat-Cow Pose is a yoga essential and involves moving the spine from a rounded position (cow Pose) to an arched one (cat pose). Each movement is done in conjunction Continue Reading →

Caterpillar Pose:
Caterpillar Pose is a great pose to open up the tight muscles of the whole back of your body including the legs and Continue Reading →

Chair Pose:
Chair Pose is a standing yoga posture that tones the entire body, particularly the thighs. It involves sitting back as if you're about to fall seated into a chair, but Continue Reading →

Childs Pose:
This yoga pose is very simple yet calming pose which we can do in bed too. It is an excellent yoga exercise for those suffering from back pain as it's stretches and Continue Reading →

Cobra Pose:
Bhujangasana (cobra pose) gives an excellent result for those who want to lose weight and increase metabolism. This pose improves the function of the liver, kidney, Continue Reading →

Corpse Pose:
This asana is all about lying down like a corpse. This yoga asana is a quite versatile asana and doing it before bed helps in emptying your thoughts so they don't keep Continue Reading →

Cow Pose:
Cow pose is an asana anyone can do to open the chest and enhance spinal flexibility. Anyone can do Cow Pose and it's in valuable for both the beginner and the advanced Continue Reading →

Crescent Lunge:
Although this pose is quite popular in most yoga classes, the Crescent Lunge does not have an official Sanskrit name. Just as it has several Sanskrit name options, the Continue Reading →

Down Dog on a Chair:
Down dog is one of the most widely recognized yoga postures, but it's also a complicated one. Down dog works the whole body, and can build strength, increase Continue Reading →

Downward Facing Dog:
You can simply select this yoga asana from this list of effective yoga poses. This is also known as a downward facing dog posture. It is when you bend almost completely Continue Reading →

Equestrian Pose:
Although this pose is quite popular in most yoga classes, the high lunge does not have an official Sanskrit name. Just as it has several Sanskrit name options, the high Continue Reading →

Forward Bend Pose:
We use forward bends to work the entire body. They stretch and strengthen the muscles along the spine, as well as the shoulder muscles, pelvic girdle and legs. In Continue Reading →

Four Limbed Staff Pose:
In Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana), staff is referred to as the spinal cord, which is the main support system of the body. This pose is one of the steps in Continue Reading →

Frog Pose:
I have seen this pose advertised as a kids pose It is NOT. Of course children may be able to do it eventually with proper guidance but it is not a game so please don't Continue Reading →

Goddess Pose:
Goddess pose, also known as utkata konasana, is a beginner level squatting pose. You can adapt this asana to your fitness level by controlling the depth of the squat and Continue Reading →

Half Moon Pose:
This is yet another of the yoga asana which is helpful to make your back fitter. This is because the back and spine of every person is most prone to stress. We sit for Continue Reading →

Half Twist Pose:
This seated twist is one of the movements that should not be missed in a session. It is also known as a spinal twist and it tones the sympathetic nervous system, Continue Reading →

High Lunge:
Although this pose is quite popular in most yoga classes, the high lunge does not have an official Sanskrit name. Just as it has several Sanskrit name options, the high Continue Reading →

High Plank Pose:
Often called Kumbhakasana, the High Plank Pose has fully extended arms as opposed to the Low Plank, Chaturanga Dandasana, and will strengthen your core and arms quickly. Continue Reading →

Lotus Pose:
Lotus Pose is the most well known of all the yoga pose today. Considered by many to be the iconic yoga pose, the Lotus Pose is often used for meditation and many yoga Continue Reading →

Low Lunge:
Although this pose is quite popular in most yoga classes, many lunges do not have an official Sanskrit name. Just as it has several Sanskrit name options, the lunge also Continue Reading →

Low Plank Pose:
This pose is one of the steps in the group of 12 yoga poses in Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). Chaturanga strengthens and tones the wrists, arms, abdominal muscles, and Continue Reading →

Lunge Pose:
Over time, flexion of the hip (something we do when we sit, walk, run, and climb stairs) tightens muscles in the leg and pelvis unless it is counterbalanced by Continue Reading →

Mountain Pose:
The Standing Mountain Pose, Tadasana, is often confused with Parvatasana, the grounded mountain. Tadasana is one of the best yoga asanas but it's not as simple as it Continue Reading →

Prayer Pose:
Pranamasana is a centering asana often used as a routine part of Surya Namaskar or as a transitional pose. Pranamasana is called Prayer Pose in English. this pose has a Continue Reading →

Rag Doll Pose:
Baddha Hasta Uttanasana (Dangling Pose/Rag Doll Pose) is a variation of Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose) with the difference in the position of the hands. In Continue Reading →

Raised Arms Pose:
This is one of the simplest yoga asanas where you simply just have to stretch yourself. Stand straight and stretch your arms above the head. Try to stretch right from Continue Reading →

Seated Forward Bend:
Paschimottanaasana covers the stretching of the whole body from our head to heels. This asana is recommended especially for women after delivery to reduce belly fat and Continue Reading →

Seated Mountain Pose:
The Seated Mountain Pose, Parvatasana, is often confused with Tadasana, the standing mountain. Parvatasana is a great yoga asana but it's not as easy as it first Continue Reading →

Side Plank Pose:
Vasisthasana, or Side Plank Pose, strengthens your wrists, forearms, shoulders, and spine. It increases flexibility in the wrists and also opens the hips and hamstrings. Continue Reading →

Standing Forward Bend:
Uttanasana is a forward bending pose which relieves us from stress and anxiety. With the arm bind, this standing forward bend variation provides a deep shoulder stretch. Continue Reading →

Standing Half Forward Bend:
Also known as half lift or standing half forward fold, this pose opens up the chest and shoulders, elongates the spine, and activates the abdominal muscles. Since you Continue Reading →

Sun Salutation:
A full round of Surya Namaskar is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses, with a change in the second set where the opposing leg is moved first. It improves Continue Reading →

Sun Salutations:
A full round of Surya Namaskar is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses, with a change in the second set where the opposing leg is moved first. It improves Continue Reading →

Surya Namaskar A:
Surya Namaskar, better known as Sun Salutations, is a series of postures that warms, strengthens and aligns the entire body. Generally there 12 or so poses linked in Continue Reading →

Tiger Pose:
This yoga asana is also known as the static tiger pose and is another one to cure back pain issues. This especially focuses on the lower back area and stretches muscles Continue Reading →

Tree Pose:
This is one more of the easy yoga poses and is often practiced as a part of the Surya Namaskar session. It is to be best practiced in the open air, early in the morning Continue Reading →

Upward Salute Pose:
The Upward Salute Pose is a simple standing posture used at the start of a Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar, or as part of breathing exercises. It's a great stretch for Continue Reading →

Warrior I Pose:
This pose looks like a soldier in the position of war so it is called as Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose). This is an excellent yoga position for pregnant women which gives Continue Reading →

Warrior II Pose:
To increase the length and strength of the arms in the pose, turn the palms and inner elbow creases to face the ceiling while you draw the shoulder blades down the back. Continue Reading →

Warrior Pose:
This pose looks like a soldier in the position of war so it is called as Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose). This is an excellent yoga position for pregnant women which gives Continue Reading →

Wind Releasing Pose:
This asana is good for stretching the body parts, but we should not stretch beyond our capacity. This asana gives a good massage to our spine, lower back, hips, legs & Continue Reading →

Wind Removing Pose:
This asana is good for stretching the body parts, but we should not stretch beyond our capacity. This asana gives a good massage to our spine, lower back, hips, legs & Continue Reading →


Breathing is a primary and necessary function even though we are not conscious of it most of the time. As beginners practice yoga, this process becomes conscious then harmonious and balanced. Find a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed and where you are not distracted. Try to disconnect with the rest of the world and silence your mind.

Calories Burned in 15 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:69
  • Weight 120lb:83
  • Weight 125lb:86
  • Weight 150lb:104
  • Weight 175lb:121
  • Weight 200lb:138
  • Weight 250lb:173
  • Weight 300lb:207

  • Calories Burned in 40 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:184
  • Weight 120lb:221
  • Weight 125lb:230
  • Weight 150lb:276
  • Weight 175lb:322
  • Weight 200lb:368
  • Weight 250lb:460
  • Weight 300lb:552

  • Calories Burned in 45 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:207
  • Weight 120lb:249
  • Weight 125lb:259
  • Weight 150lb:311
  • Weight 175lb:363
  • Weight 200lb:414
  • Weight 250lb:518
  • Weight 300lb:622

  • Calories Burned in 1 hour 15 mins

  • Weight 100lb:345
  • Weight 120lb:414
  • Weight 125lb:432
  • Weight 150lb:518
  • Weight 175lb:604
  • Weight 200lb:691
  • Weight 250lb:863
  • Weight 300lb:1036

  • Calories Burned in 1 hour 30 mins

  • Weight 100lb:414
  • Weight 120lb:497
  • Weight 125lb:518
  • Weight 150lb:622
  • Weight 175lb:725
  • Weight 200lb:829
  • Weight 250lb:1036
  • Weight 300lb:1243

  • Calories Burned in 2 hours

  • Weight 100lb:552
  • Weight 120lb:663
  • Weight 125lb:691
  • Weight 150lb:829
  • Weight 175lb:967
  • Weight 200lb:1105
  • Weight 250lb:1381
  • Weight 300lb:1657

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