Recipe Category: Portuguese

Authentic Portuguese Stew Recipe
- 2 lbs. stew meat
- 2 or 3 potatoes, peeled, diced lg.
- 2 or 3 carrots, cut up
- 2 onions, quartered
- 4 c. boiling water
- 1 ring Portuguese sausage, cut up in 1-inch pieces*
- 1 can tomato sauce
- *Italian sausage can be used to replace Portuguese sausage
- Dredge meat in flour and brown in cooking oil on all sides
- Add boiled water and simmer for about 1 1/2 hours
- Add potatoes, carrots, onions, and sausage
- Continue to simmer until all ingredients are cooked
- Add a little salt and tomato sauce
- Simmer for about 20 minutes longer
- Serves 4 to 6
- Serve with salad and hot bread
- Can be put in crock pot for easy all-day cooking for us working women

Full List of Portuguese Recipes
Full List of Stew Recipes