Important to start this pose with steady balance. Feet firm on the mat, the leg muscles are active and drawn up create a sense of balance in the body. Shift the weight Continue Reading →

This yoga pose, can aid insomnia, spine problems and also improves concentration powers and mental balance. It increases the blood circulation in the brain and improves Continue Reading →

This yoga pose, can aid insomnia, spine problems and also improves concentration powers and mental balance. It increases the blood circulation in the brain and improves Continue Reading →

The Lord of the Dance Pose is a challenging balancing pose with deep meaning and many variations. Natarajasana is derived from the Hindu god Shiva. The dance represents Continue Reading →

This is an excellent yoga asana for both men and women. Natarajasana is also known as the Lord of Dance or King Dancer pose as it resembles its posture. This pose helps Continue Reading →

This yoga pose, can aid insomnia, spine problems and also improves concentration powers and mental balance. It increases the blood circulation in the brain and improves Continue Reading →

Balancing upside down can be a little intimidating if you are new to yoga. I recommend a progression from simple yoga inversions to get used to bearing the weight of Continue Reading →

A certain amount of strength is required to go into the Wheel Pose, specifically at the arms, shoulders, chest, lower back, legs, feet. Bringing the weight of the body Continue Reading →
When it comes to advanced yoga poses, no matter what any instructor (or anyone else says), your body is yours and it knows when something doesn’t work for it. Its communication is simple and immediate: if it hurts, stop! There is an old adage that says, “No pain, no gain.” That’s total rubbish and recent studies prove this to be so in most situations. However, there are some kinds of “pain” that are good, ie the slight pain you get when you get a good yoga stretch, just be careful with the advanced poses and don’t be tempted to “push through the pain”.