From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Nervous System:
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- Hemp Oil
Natural Cures and Remedies for Nervous System
Oats have a special place among the herbs used to help the nervous system – they are the restorative herb for this system. I recommend resorting to oats when you feel mentally or emotionally exhausted, when you have lost your motivation and drive, or generally when you have been under a lot of stress for a prolonged period of time. Oats support the nervous system and heal it after it has been under continual strain.
Organs or systems affected Intestines, uterus, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, respiratory system Therapeutic actions Diapho-retic, tonic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carmina-tive Nature Pungent, dry, bitter, sweet Plant constituents Volatile oil, bitter, tannins, flavo-noids, saponins, resins Flower essence Helps to heighten the senses to be more receptive to the information that that surrounds us
Hemp Oil
The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which aids sleep patterns. It also converts important nervous system messages into endocrine system responses.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid helps in cell building, main- taining normal growth and development of the central nervous system. It stimulates the adrenal glands and increases the production of cortisone and other adrenal hormones. It is essential for conversion of fatty and sugar to energy. It also helps guard against most physical and mental stresses and toxins and increases vitality. The main sources of this vitamin are whole grain bread and cereals, green vegetables,peas , beans, peanuts and egg yolk. It can be synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria. A deficiency can cause chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia, greying and loss of hair, mental depression, stomach disorders , blood and skin disorders.
The central nervous system, which controls many functions of body and mind, is always in one of two states: the sympathetic or the parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is the fight-or-flight state that prepares us for action, when surges of adrenaline direct the body’s energy toward survival. Although we all need our sympathetic system, some people thrive on it-they like the buzz. They continu-ously push themselves, fueling up with caffeine and sugar to maintain a constant sympathetic state, or what I refer to as sympathetic dominance.
The exact cause of migraine headaches is uncertain. One theory is that migraine develops because the nervous system is vulnerable to sudden changes either within the body or in the environment; according to this reasoning, migraine sufferers have inherited a more sensitive nervous system response to such changes than people who are not prone to getting migraine headaches. During a migraine attack, changes in brain activity produce an inflammation of the blood vessels and nerves in and around the brain. Migraine medication may produce relief by quieting sensitive nerve pathways and reducing their inflammatory reactions.