Natural Remedies Irregular Heartbeat

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Irregular Heartbeat:

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  • Hawthorn

Natural Cures and Remedies for Irregular Heartbeat


Regulates heartbeat Mistletoe has been used by those who su?er from heart insu?ciency that causes irregular heartbeat and cardiac obstruc-tive diseases. Mistletoe drops administered under the tongue is said to return both heart and breath to regularity to allow the su?erer the ability to lie down and rest. Mistletoe also opens up obstruc-tions resulting from disease or tension.

A broad range of herbs support the heart and car – diovascular system. Some increase the e?ciency of the heart function, while others increase the strength of the heartbeat or normalize the heart rate. Herbal remedies nurture the heart in deeper ways as well. Because cardiac well-being depends on spiritual as well as physical attributes, you can drink cordials (tonics taken in small amounts to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit) or take nervines (tonics used to help calm the body, mind, and spirit) to support the heart.


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Squill) – Commission E reports contraindications: potassium deficiency, and therapy with digitalis glycosides; adverse effects: diarrhea, gastrosis, irregular pulse, nausea, and vomiting; and interactions with other drugs: potentiation of calcium, cardiac glycosides, extended glucocorticoid therapy, laxatives, quinidine, and saluretics (AEH; KOM). I thought that was a pretty big dose of Commission E, but here’s what Gruenwald has to say: Should not be used in 2nd or 3rd degree atrioventricular blocks, carotid sinus syndrome, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypertropic cardiomyopathy, thoracic aortic aneurysm, ventricular tachycardia, and WPW Syndrome (PHR).

Honey is regarded as another effective remedy for hysteria. Two of the main causes of hysteria are irregularity of the menstrual cycle and insanity. Honey is invaluable for both these conditions.

Arrhythmias are erratic heartbeats that can go out of control, leading to ventricular tachycardia and cardiac arrest. Experiments by Alexander Leaf, M.D., of Harvard Medical School, found that supplemental EPA and DHA could prevent arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillations. A separate study of more than eight hundred people conducted by David S.


Disorders affecting circulation are very common. Mild problems such as chilblains can be easily treated at home, but potentially serious problems such as irregular heart beat require professional help.

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