Asparagus Root

Spices and herbs can play a vital role in our health and can easily be included in your diet if you cook.  For those that don't there's a huge range of vitamins and health supplements available online.

From our list of ailments, see what Asparagus Root can be used for:

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  • Anaemia
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gout
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Joint Pain
  • Travelers Diarrhea
  • Water Retention

Natural Remedies using Asparagus Root

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Proteins are thus vital substances, which form important constituent of muscles, tissues, and the blood. Proteins supply the building material for the body and make good the wear and tear of tissues. Several substances concerned with vital life processes such as enzymes, which help in digestion of food, are chiefly protein in nature.

Anaemia, Anemia, Arthritis, Constipation, Diarrhea, Gout, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Joint Pain, Travelers Diarrhea, Water Retention

The Benefit of using Asparagus Root as a natural cure

DEP; HHB; PH2; WOI); Erysipelas ; Fever ; Gas ; Gout ; Headache ; Hepatosis ; Hiccup ; High Blood Pressure ; Hydrophobia ; Hysteria ; Impotence ; Insomnia ; Ischiosis ; Jaundice ; Nephrosis ; Nervousness ; Neuralgia ; Numbness ; Parasite ; Raynaud’s Syndrome ; Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Scabies ; Stone ; Tapeworm ; Tonsilosis ; Tuberculosis ; Water Retention ; Worm ; Wound .

A parallel research report from doctors in Dulles also concluded, after a study of the lives and habits of 6,000 men and women, that the physically fit were less likely to develop hypertension.

Contraindicated in uterorrhagia. Doses >2-4 g may cause diarrhea and nephrosis. French permit only external application (AHP). Undiluted tincture may produce burning and local irritation (AEH).

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Joint Pain
Travelers Diarrhea
Water Retention

Garam masala may be used powdered or combined with liquids into a paste. It is most often used to flavor meat dishes.

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