Arnica Flower Oil

From our list of ailments, see what Arnica Flower Oil can be used for:

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  • Pain

Natural Remedies using Arnica Flower Oil


Activities (Hairy Strophanthus) – Antiaggregant ; Antibacterial ; Anxiolytic ; Aphrodisiac ; Cardiotonic ; Cicatrizant ; Curare ; Digitalic ; Diuretic ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Negative Chronotropic ; Negative Dromotropic ; Positive Bathmotropic ; Positive Inotropic ; Pediculicide ; Piscicide (1; H


The Benefit of using Arnica Flower Oil as a natural cure

Sit erect on the floor, with your legs outstretched. Fold your leg back. Place your left foot under the right hip. Similarly, fold back the right leg and cross your right foot over your left thigh. Place your right heel against the left hip. Both soles should face backwards, one over the other. Now interlock your hands behind your back. See to it that if your right leg is over the left, then your right elbow should face upward and the left elbow downward.

Activities (Monkshood) – Analgesic ; Anesthetic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antineuralgic ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Arrhythmigenic ; Bradycardic ; Cardiotonic ; Cardiotoxic ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Emetic ; Hypotensive ; Immunomodulator ; Insecticide ; Mydriatic ; Narcotic ; Paralytic ; Pediculicide ; Poison ; Positive Inotropic ; Sialagogue ; Toxic .

before a fatty meal, it has been found that the fats in the blood return to normal in a short time, in the same way they do in younger people.”


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