Calories Burned Calculator

Calories Burned Calculator

No need for a Calculator but you do need to know which activity. Search top right for BURNED WALKING for example. Calories burned will be shown for that activity, your weight range and how many minutes spent on the activity. You will find a long list of Calories Burned below.

REMEMBER: You not only have to commit to extra calorie burn for the weight loss but you also have to cut out those calories that put the weight on in the first place.

To calculate those extra calories:

  • Roughly estimate how many lbs you have gained in the last 3 months (approx 100 days)
  • Do it for fewer days if the weight gain is recent
  • Formula is  lbs gained divided by number of days times 3500
  • Example   8 lbs divided by 100 days times 3500 = 280

In the example, this means you have been eating 280 calories a day more than you are burning.  In addition to the calories below needed for weight you you need to immediately cut those extra calories from your diet or increase activity to account for them.

You can of course cut the same number of calories from your diet or any combination of.  It’s all about what works for you. 

Calculate how long it will take you to reach your weight loss goal:

  1. Take your actual weight in pounds from your target weight.
  2. Multiply by 3500.  This is the Number of calories you need to lose.
  3. Take the Average Intended Calories Burned Daily
  4. Subtract pounds Gained per day recently (see above)
  5. Add the Average Intended Food Calories Reduced Daily
  6. The result is your Average Daily Calorie Change
  7. Divide the Number of calories you need to lose by your Daily Calorie Change


  • Take your actual weight in pounds from your target weight.
  • 150-138 = 12
  • Multiply by 3500.  This is the Number of calories you need to lose.
  • 35,700
  • Take the Average Intended Calories Burned Daily
  • 500
  • Subtract pounds Gained per day recently (calculate yours as above)
  • -280
  • Add the Average Intended Food Calories Reduced Daily
  • 300
  • The result is your Average Daily Calorie Change  520
  • Divide the Number of calories you need to lose by your Daily Calorie Change = 80 days

Calories Burned Tips

  • Find a buddy – You know you are more likely to show up at the gym if someone is waiting there for you
  • Brush and floss – Who wants to ruin their minty-fresh breath with a snack?
  • Drink Lemon Water Before Meals. – Drinking lemon water whenever possible and especially before meals can lower blood sugar peaks by about 10% – making it less likely your body will store carbohydrates and sugars as fat. Plus, lemon water can help detox your liver, helping your metabolism to run more efficiently. This is one reason a lot of people like to drink a giant glass of lemon water in the morning to start off the day. Just make sure you’re using fresh squeezed lemons for the full effect and not the prepackaged, chemical-laden stuff.
  • Jumping Knee Up-Downs – Start in the base of your squat and step back into a reverse lunge, lowering your knee to the floor. Then lower your other knee to the floor. Step your feet back up, one at a time. Then, add an explosive jump and get right back down to the base of your squat. Down, down, up, up, pump!

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