Activities (White Cohosh) – Allergenic ; Alterative ; Anticonvulsant ; Aperitif ; Circulostimulant ; Deliriant ; Emetic ; Insectifuge ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Nervine ; Spasmogenic ; Vesicant . Allergies, Anal Fissures, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Blood Cleansers, Blood Clots, Blood Pressure, Bronchitis, Bruises, Cancer, Canker Sores, Chest Congestion, Cholesterol, Cholesterol High, Cold Sores, Colds and Flu, Coughs, Diabetes, Eczema, Emphysema, Eye Issues, Fatigue, Flu Virus, Gout, Hardening of the Arteries, Hay Fever, Heart, Heart Disease, Hemorrhoids, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Hives, Hypertension, Immunity, Infections, Inflammation, Influenza, Joint Pain, Lungs, Piles, Poor Circulation, Postnasal Drip, Prostate, Respiratory Problems, Sinus, Sore Throat, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, Varicose Veins, Viral Conditions Infections, Warts The Benefit of using Quercetin as a natural cure Many supplements can lessen the inflammation in diabetes, but in this case, supplements can be like bailing water in a sinking boat: It is essential that the underlying diet be corrected. Take echinacea tincture (for precautions see page 98). Adults: 1-2ml, 3 times a day, tincture strength 1:5. Children (2-16 years old): adjust the adult dose downwards, depending on the age of the child – see Chapter 6. Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Japanese Atractylodes) – Not covered (AHP; KOM). Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Allergies- Anal Fissures- Arteriosclerosis- Arthritis- Asthma- Atherosclerosis- Blood Cleansers- Blood Clots- Blood Pressure- Bronchitis- Bruises- Cancer- Canker Sores- Chest Congestion- Cholesterol- Cholesterol High- Cold Sores- Colds and Flu- Coughs- Diabetes- Eczema- Emphysema- Eye Issues- Fatigue- Flu Virus- Gout- Hardening of the Arteries- Hay Fever- Heart- Heart Disease- Hemorrhoids- Herpes- High Blood Pressure- Hives- Hypertension- Immunity- Infections- Inflammation- Influenza- Joint Pain- Lungs- Piles- Poor Circulation- Postnasal Drip- Prostate- Respiratory Problems- Sinus- Sore Throat- Tuberculosis- Ulcers- Varicose Veins- Viral Conditions Infections- Warts- Because sweet hot paprika is a blend, it offers the characteristics of both hot and sweet types. It adds just a touch of heat without being overpowering and brings a bit of sweetness and color, too. This blend is a good choice for garnishes and light seasoning. Continue Reading →