In a saucepan over medium heat, combine milk, cranberries or currants, brown sugar, salt and 1 cup water; heat until almost boiling Stir in oats and bran and cook, stirring constantly, until the oatme Continue Reading →
Lose Weight, Diet, Calories & Recipes
Meal plans, Keto, Carb counts, Nutrition
In a saucepan over medium heat, combine milk, cranberries or currants, brown sugar, salt and 1 cup water; heat until almost boiling Stir in oats and bran and cook, stirring constantly, until the oatme Continue Reading →
I often sit in my living room, looking out the window, watching the giant cedars and firs sway in the breeze. I particularly love windy days, as the air circulates around and through these magnifi-cent beings. I can almost see them breathing fully and freely, as the forceful air fortifies them and causes old leaves and limbs to drop, perhaps all for the best. In Chinese medicine, we always look at nature as a reflection of the human condition, and to me, these trees present a great image of the human respiratory system-like giant lungs that breathe in and out the life breath of our world. Nausea The Benefit of using Yellow Root as a natural cure Nausea- Continue Reading →
Obese women are far more likely to have menstrual irregularities and difficulties in achieving conception than women of normal weight. If pregnancy is accomplished, the incidence of miscarriage, diabetes, toxemia, and hypertension is much more likely to complicate the gestation period. Arthritis, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Colic, Cramps, Dyspepsia, Frigidity, Gall Bladder, Impaired Sexual Desire, Indigestion, Jaundice, Joint Pain, Liver, Menopause, Menstrual Problems, Nausea, PMS, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach, Vomiting The Benefit of using Wild Yam as a natural cure Although you can include any herb part, using herb powder or grinding the herb into a powder makes it much easier to mix with the base. Using a demulcent herb (such as slippery elm, marshmal-low, or psyllium) powder as part of your blend will help it stick together better and adds a soothing quality to the preparation. Adding coconut can also help sti?en the creation. If you are using fruit preserves as a base, make a small batch to be quickly consumed. Dozens of studies by Japanese researchers-avid drinkers of green tea-have shown that catechins can prevent free-radical damage to cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. Population-based studies have shown that tea drinkers have a lower than average risk of heart disease, stroke, and several cancers, including esophageal, stomach, and lung cancers. Always label the mixed tinctures with the ingredients and the date – you can keep the multiple compound tincture for up to a year. Arthritis- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Colic- Cramps- Dyspepsia- Frigidity- Gall Bladder- Impaired Sexual Desire- Indigestion- Jaundice- Joint Pain- Liver- Menopause- Menstrual Problems- Nausea- PMS- Poor Digestion- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- Vomiting- Although there has not been any research on the protective roles of omega-3 fish oils or gamma-linolenic acid in dental inflammation, supplements would likely have benefits. In addition, zinc supplements might promote healing of injured tissues. Calcium and magnesium might help maintain normal bone, and one study has found that glucosamine and chrondoitin reduce symptoms of TMJ disease when the joint is affected. Continue Reading →
Contraindicated in uterorrhagia. Doses >2-4 g may cause diarrhea and nephrosis. French permit only external application (AHP). Undiluted tincture may produce burning and local irritation (AEH).
Acne, Anaemia, Anemia, Detoxification, Diaper Rash, Pimples, Psoriasis, Rash, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Tetters, Water Retention, Wounds
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Galanga) – Class 1, but giving it the same common name as Alpinia galanga, greater galangal (AHP). Not covered, at least under the generic name Kaempferia (EFS; KOM; PH2).
Synonyms: I. barbigera Sweet, Pharbitis hederacea (Jacq.) Choisy I fear PH2 may have gone generic without telling us so. I do not find this species in my Chinese book, although many species are cosmopolitan. So many of the PH2 entries may not necessarily apply to this species.
Antioxidants such as vitamins E, C, and others often have been described as antiaging” nutrients because they quench many of the excess free radicals. Consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits and taking antioxidant supplements strengthen the body’s defenses against free radicals. Antioxidants also have potent anti-inflammatory properties.
Diaper Rash-
Skin Conditions-
Water Retention-
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Bloodroot) – Class 2b. May cause nausea and vomiting. Powerful emesis may result from doses as low as 1 g (AHP) (0.03 g; i.e., 30 mg) (PHR). Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2
Frigidity, Impaired Sexual Desire, Impotence, Urinary Tract Problems, Virility The Benefit of using Tribulus Terrestris as a natural cure Frigidity- Impaired Sexual Desire- Impotence- Urinary Tract Problems- Virility- Continue Reading →
Boils The Benefit of using Tea Tree Oil as a natural cure Boils- Continue Reading →
Postmenopausal The Benefit of using Tibetan Supplements as a natural cure Postmenopausal- Continue Reading →
Activities (Chasteberry) – Analgesic ; Anaphrodisiac ; Anorectic ; Antiandrogenic ; Antibacterial ; Antiinflammatory ; Antilactagogue ; Antiprolactin ; Antiseptic ; Candidicide ; Dopaminergic ; Emmenagogue (f; BGB; Mononucleosis The Benefit of using Suma Root as a natural cure DEM); Gonorrhea ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; HIV ; Inflammation ; Insomnia ; Malaria ; Metrorrhagia ; Mucososis ; Nervousness ; Pertussis ; Pulmonosis ; Respirosis ; Snakebite ; Sore ; Sore Throat ; Splenosis ; Stomachache ; Stomatosis ; Swelling ; Syphilis ; Tonsilosis ; Toothache ; Tuberculosis ; VD ; Wound . hours. This would swell them to the original size of the grapes. The raisins should be eaten early in the morning. The water in which raisins are soaked should be drunk along with the soaked raisins. tic actions Tonic, cathartic, deobstruent, febri-fuge Nature Bitter, pungent, cold, dry Plant constituents Alkaloids, bitter glycoside menyan-thin, rutin, hyperin, essential oil, alcohol, carotene, ascorbic and other acids, tannins, saponins, fatty oil, manganese, iodine Flower essence Helps one refrain from judgment and accept change, including changes in point of view Mononucleosis- There are many herbs that have beneficial effects on the nervous system and nervous tissue. I would like to stress the restorative function of herbs in relation to this system: some herbs have the capacity to aid the recovery of the nervous system from the effects of stress, illness or accident. Nervous tissue recovers slowly, so treatment of problems relating to the nervous system tends to be long-term – 6-12 months or even longer is not unusual. Continue Reading →
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Licorice) – Class 2b, 2c, 2d. “Contraindicated in heart disease, diabetics, hypertensives, hepatoses, and nephroses” (O’Brien, 1998). Commission E reports contraindications: cholestatic liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hypokalemia, severe renal insufficiency, and pregnancy. May potentiate thiazide diuretics, stimulant laxatives, cardiac glycosides, and cortisol (AHP; WAM). Too much (>50 g/day) can raise the blood pressure, cause sodium and water retention, and lower potassium levels too far. May result in pseudoaldosterianism. Adverse effects reported in M30: amenorrhea, cardiac arrest, congestive
Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Cholesterol High, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Hair Loss, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Hot Flashes, Indigestion, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach
The only device that I have come across that I like is the Frolov device, or the U.S. knock-off (for half the price) called BreathSlim. This device uses water to provide resistance for either the inhalation or the exhalation or both. And I find that resistance on exhalation is often far more beneficial than resistance on the inhalation. That is because the gentle resistance on exhalation trains the muscles in the chest and abdomen to relax.
Clumps of flimsy stems, 4 to 6 inches, are covered in fine hairs on one side. Small ovate leaves are oppositely arranged. Tiny white flowers grow in terminal clusters. Grows nearly everywhere, at the bases of trees, in yards, woods, flower boxes, and gravel roads. In moist, temperate climates, harvest young shoots almost year-round. Annual. Collect seedpods when flowers fade and allow them to dry. Directly sow outdoors in fall or after last frost. Grow in any soil, part shade. Zones 3-8.
Dosages (Bugleweed) – Take only under doctor’s supervision (APA); 1-2 drachms dried herb (FEL); 2 drachms to 4 fluid oz strong tincture (FEL); 1-2 g dry herb/tea (PH2); 0.7-2 ml liquid herb extract (PNC); 0.2-2 g/day crude drug (SHT).
Cholesterol High-
Hair Loss-
Hardening of the Arteries-
Heart Disease-
High Cholesterol-
Hot Flashes-
Poor Digestion-
Stomach Upset-
Upset Stomach-
FNF); Respirosis ; Rheumatism ; Scurvy ; Staphylococcus ; Toothache ; Yeast .
Anal Fissures, Hemorrhoids, Piles The Benefit of using Stillingia Root as a natural cure Anal Fissures- Hemorrhoids- Piles- Continue Reading →
Successful treatment with herbs requires some experimenting. We are all different genetically and we all vary in our response to herbs. Certain people will need larger doses than others and certain people will react well to a particular herb that does not do much for others. If you tried a particular herb selection from the must-have herbs and this did not sort out the problem, try some herbs from the optional herbs’ selection, as they may suit you better. Observe your reaction to a particular herb carefully: for most conditions described in this book I would expect results from within a few hours to up to a few days. Once you have found a reliable herb that works for you in a particular situation, stick to it. Alzheimers Disease, Bacterial Infections, Depression Mild, Fatigue, Forgetfulness, Immunity, Impotence, Infections, Insomnia, Memory, Obesity, Sleeplessness, Viral Conditions Infections, Virility The Benefit of using Siberian Ginseng as a natural cure Garlic acts against a wide spectrum of bacteria that can cause digestive upsets. It can be used for mild food poisoning, traveller’s diarrhoea, or as a preventative treatment when travelling in exotic countries. It can also be of help for some worm infestations . 1 quart of almost boiling water. en drink 3 cups per day or 1 quart throughout the day, hot or cold. With tinctures, for chronic complaints, take 1 dropperful 3 times per day. For acute issues, take 2 dropperfuls every 2 or 3 hours for 1 or 2 days, and Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Olive Oil) – Class 1 (JAD). Not covered (AHP). Commission E reports the oil should not be used in patients with gallstones or bile stones because of the risk that a biliary colic is induced. Topical application rarely results in allergic skin reactions (AEH). Alzheimers Disease- Bacterial Infections- Depression Mild- Fatigue- Forgetfulness- Immunity- Impotence- Infections- Insomnia- Memory- Obesity- Sleeplessness- Viral Conditions Infections- Virility- Activities (Prostrate Knotweed) – AChE-Inhibitor ; Allergenic ; Analgesic ; Antiabortive ; Antiacetylcholinesterase ; Antiaggregant ; Antibacterial ; Antidiaphoretic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiperiodic ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antitussive P Continue Reading →
Activities (Lemon Verbena) – Acaricide ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Aphicide ; Carminative ; Diaphoretic ; Digestive ; Expectorant ; Laxative ; Nervine ; Pectoral ; Sedative ; Stimulant ; Stomachic ; L Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, GERD, Indigestion, Inflammation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Nausea, Poor Digestion, Sore Throat, Stomach Upset, Travelers Diarrhea, Ulcers, Upset Stomach, Vomiting The Benefit of using Slippery Elm Bark as a natural cure Constipation- Diarrhea- Dyspepsia- Gastritis- GERD- Indigestion- Inflammation- Irritable Bowel Syndrome- Nausea- Poor Digestion- Sore Throat- Stomach Upset- Travelers Diarrhea- Ulcers- Upset Stomach- Vomiting- Continue Reading →
Mucolytics generally break up phlegm and work well when combined with anticatarrhals. Some dissolve mucus, some move it out by thinning it, and some draw it out of passageways. By the time you need a mucolytic, you want it to work quickly, so that the cold causing your spouse to snore in seismic magnitudes will be silenced. Abscesses, Acne, Anal Fissures, Canker Sores, Cold Sores, Constipation, Detoxification, Diaper Rash, Eczema, Fever, Hemorrhoids, Hives, Itching, Kidneys, Piles, Pimples, Psoriasis, Rash, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Tetters, Ulcers, Worms, Wounds The Benefit of using Sheep Sorrel as a natural cure Indications (British Elecampane) – Cough ; Diaphragmosis ; Herpes ; Infection ; Nausea ; Pulmonosis ; Urethrosis ; Virus . NSAID-induced damage to the gut wall can lead to leaky-gut syndrome. A leaky gut increases the permeability of the stomach wall and permits incompletely digested proteins to enter the bloodstream, where they can trigger inflammatory immune reactions. Allergylike food sensitivities, whether inborn or caused by a leaky gut, can worsen pollen allergies, and they have been shown to increase symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Indeed, the feel better one day, feel worse another day nature of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis may reflect sporadic exposure to food allergens. Abscesses- Acne- Anal Fissures- Canker Sores- Cold Sores- Constipation- Detoxification- Diaper Rash- Eczema- Fever- Hemorrhoids- Hives- Itching- Kidneys- Piles- Pimples- Psoriasis- Rash- Shingles- Skin Conditions- Tetters- Ulcers- Worms- Wounds- Continue Reading →
Stress The Benefit of using Scullcap as a natural cure Stress- Continue Reading →
An exclusive milk diet for rapid gain of weight has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners. IN the begining of this mode of treatment, the patient should fast for three days on warm water and like juice so as to cleanse the system. Thereafter, he should have a glass of milk every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the first day, a glass every hour and half the next day, and a glass every hour the third day. Then the quantity of milk should be gradually increased so as to take a glass every half an hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If such a quantity can be tolerated fairly comfortably. The milk should be fresh and unboiled , but may be slightly warmed, if desired. It should be sipped very slowly through a straw. The milk should be unpasteurised, if possible. Anxiety, Gall Bladder, Insomnia, Nervous Conditions, Restlessness, Sleeplessness, Stress, Tension The Benefit of using Safflower as a natural cure Activities (Iboga) – Anesthetic ; Antiaddictive ; Anticholinesterase ; Antipyretic ; Aperitif ; Aphrodisiac ; Cardiosedative ; CNS-Stimulant ; Hallucinogen ; Hypertensive ; Hypotensive ; Narcotic ; Negative Inotropic ; Prolactinogenic ; Respiradepressant ; Stimulant ; Tonic . Potassium citrate is another alkalizing supplement that is used in the medical community to help with acid conditions involving the kidneys. Specifically, potassium citrate is used to reduce symptoms and risk of uric acid kidney stones and gout, both of which are acidic conditions. And although I don’t know of any human trials examining the effects of potassium citrate on renal function, there is at least one study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology which concludes that the rats in the study given potassium citrate experienced significant improvement in kidney function. Activities (Yerba Santa) – Antiasthmatic ; Anticancer ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiseptic ; Antirheumatic ; Antispasmodic ; Astringent ; Bitter ; Chemopreventive ; Collyrium ; Decongestant ; Depurative ; Diuretic ; Expectorant ; Tonic . Anxiety- Gall Bladder- Insomnia- Nervous Conditions- Restlessness- Sleeplessness- Stress- Tension- ick stems, 3 to 5 feet tall. Large ovate leaves, 10 to 18 inches long and wooly underneath, are arranged alternately. Large, solitary golden yellow flowers, 2 to 5 inches across, bloom in midsum – mer. Rhizomes are gray- brown on the outside, lighter brown internally. Grows in pastures, along roadsides. Perennial. Divide plants about every 3 years to maintain vitality. Grow in loamy, moist soil, full sun to shade. Zones 5-8. Continue Reading →
Modern medical system has not been able to find a cure for this crippling disease. Drugs and vaccines have only limited value in alleviating symptoms. Most of these are habit forming and the dose has to be increased from time to time to give the same amount of relief. The frequent introduction of drugs in the system, while giving only temporary relief, tends to make asthma chronic and incurable. Allergy – which is the immediate cause of asthma – itself is an indication of lowered resistance and internal disharmony caused by faulty eating and bad habits. This is the root cause and the real cure lies in a return to nature. Bladder, Bowels, Circulation, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Crohns, Flu Virus, Infections, Inflammation, Influenza, Liver, Swelling Issues, Teeth The Benefit of using Rose Hips as a natural cure Bruising results from varying degrees of bleeding under the skin following an injury. It can also follow any surgical procedure, and can be internal and not obvious on the surface of the skin. Spontaneous bruising that occurs without any injury is a circulatory disorder and should be investigated. Certain foods, especially if they are not properly cooked, cause indigestion. Some people react unfavourable to certain foods like beans, cabbage, onions, cucumber, radishes and seafood. Bladder- Bowels- Circulation- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Crohns- Flu Virus- Infections- Inflammation- Influenza- Liver- Swelling Issues- Teeth- Continue Reading →
g powdered ginseng/day (AKT); 3 (550 mg) capsules 3 ×/day (Korean); 1-4 (250 mg) StX capsules (5-9% ginsenosides) (APA); 100 mg StX (4-7% ginsenosides) 1-2 ×/day; 1 (535 mg) StX 2 ×/day (Korean). Allergies The Benefit of using Reishi Mushroom Glucomannan as a natural cure He reneged because my report was negative. Today, that scientist continues to publish, often copying without citing other ethnobotanical writers’ data. And he is, what I call, one of the paid hypsters who will write a positive opinion page on a worthless herb, for a fee. Then an Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pussy Willow) – See Salix alba (White Willow). Probably enough salicylic acid in the plant to impart the activities and indications of salicylates. The term Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root yug’ which means “to join” . It signifies union between the individual soul ( jivatma) and the universal soul ( parmatma). It aims at obtaining relief from pain and suffering. Basically, human evolution takes place on three different planes, namely physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga is a means of attaining perfect health by maintaining harmony and achieving optimum functioning on all three levels through complete self-control. Allergies- In 1999 a letter to the journal Lancet raised questions about whether glucosamine supplements could increase glucose (blood sugar) levels, cause insulin resistance, and lead to or aggravate diabetes. The questions raised in this letter were widely reported in the University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter, the Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, and other publications toward the end of that year (the delay resulting from publication schedules). These newsletters warned that glucosamine supplements could lead to or worsen diabetes. Continue Reading →
According to Dr. Ramm, a glassful of this decoction should be given to the patient every two hours through the day for one day, and thereafter it may be taken several times a week. Dr. Arthritis, Inflammation, Joint Pain The Benefit of using Queen Of The Meadow as a natural cure Allergic reactions are caused by a wide range of substances and conditions. These include pollen, dust, cosmetics and animal hair ; poisonous plants, serums, vaccines and drugs ; physical agents such as heat, cold and sunlight ; as well as a variety of foods. Among the numerous allergens in the food department, the more common ones are oranges, milk, eggs, wheat, fish, chocolates, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes and strawberries. Arthritis- Inflammation- Joint Pain- Continue Reading →
Some of the other important factors responsible for prolapse of the uterus are prolonged labour, an interference in the delivery by inexpert people, lack of proper rest and diet in post-natal periods, repeated deliveries and manual work. An increased weight of the womb, tumours of the uterus, traction of the uterus and surgical injuries can also lead to this disorder. Menopausal atrophy may also precipitate it. Poor Circulation, Varicose Veins The Benefit of using Prickly Ash Bark as a natural cure Ground cloves blend particularly well with other warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. They may be used to flavor beverages such as wine and chocolate, and they are popular during the holiday season for breads and pastries. Activities (Jiaogulan) – Adaptogen ; Antiaggregant ; Antiatherosclerotic ; Anticancer ; Antiedemic ; Antifibrotic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiischemic ; Antioxidant ; Antiradicular ; Antisenility ; Antistroke ; Antithrombic ; Apoptotic ; Cardioprotective ; Cardiotonic ; Chemopreventive ; Hematopoetic ; Hepatoprotective ; Hypertensive ; Hypocholesterolemic ; Hypolipidemic ; Hypotensive ; Immunomodulator ; Immunostimulant ; Leukocytogenic ; NOgenic ; Radioprotective ; SOD-genic . Black pepper is derived from the dried fruits of a vine. It is often purchased as powder but may also be found as whole, dried peppercorns. The pepper plant is indigenous to India and Vietnam. Poor Circulation- Varicose Veins- For an acute attack, there is no better remedy than a fast. The patient should undertake a fast for five to seven days on orange juice and water. Sometimes the condition may worsen in the early stages of fasting when uric acid, dissolved by juices, is thrown into the bloodstream for elimination. This usually clears up if fasting is continued. In severe cases, it is advisable to undertake a series of short fasts for three days or so rather than one long fast. A warm water enema should be used daily during the period of fasting to cleanse the bowels. Continue Reading →
Thus , our daily diet should consist of four-fifth of alkaline-forming foods such as juicy fruits, tubers, legumes, ripe fruits, leafy and root vegetables and one fifty of acid-forming foods containing concentrated proteins and starches such as meat, fish, bread and cereals. Eating sensibly in this manner will ensure the necessary alkalinity of the food which will keep the body in perfect health. Asthma, Bladder, Bronchitis, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Flu Virus, Joint Pain, Prostate, Skin Issues, Ulcers, Yeast The Benefit of using Pau D Arco as a natural cure You can make medicinal teas as infusions and decoctions. An infusion pulls the active principles from the herbs into water, typically hot water poured over the herbs. An infusion is used with the more delicate parts of herbs such as flowers, leaves, and stems. You can use fresh or dried plant material for tea infusions and steep by the cup, usually for 8 to 10 minutes-or, for a stronger medicinal e?ect, steep 4 hours or overnight. Dosage depends on the condition being addressed, but a typical medicinal brew is made with 4 or 5 tablespoons of herbs in 1 quart of water, infused overnight, strained the next morning, and consumed that day. In contrast, bitter herbs, such as hops, are best steeped for a shorter amount of time to limit their bitter taste. A little practice will go a long way here. Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (False Unicorn Root) – Class 2b. Emmenagogue, GI irritant, and uterotonic (AHP). “Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD). Overdosage with saponins can cause gastric distress. Large doses may cause nausea and vomiting (CAN). Avoid during pregnancy (FAD; PH2). Canadian regulations do not allow it as an ingredient in oral use products (Michols, 1995). Diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disorders, characterized by an abnormally elevated level of blood glucose and by the excretion of the excess glucose in the urine. It results from an absolute or relative lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as well as in the metabolism of protein and fat. Asthma- Bladder- Bronchitis- Diabetes- Diarrhea- Flu Virus- Joint Pain- Prostate- Skin Issues- Ulcers- Yeast- Tincture 1 to 4 dropperfuls per day, not to be consumed long-term. For warts, cover with tincture 2 times per day until gone. Continue Reading →
Melinda feeling tired much of the time. The NSAID caused a painful gastric ulcer, which was treated by a drug to reduce stomach acid. Varicose Veins The Benefit of using Pine Bark as a natural cure Varicose Veins- Continue Reading →
Maureen, a fifty-seven-year-old woman, had chronic but mild and man-ageable muscle and joint pains. She rarely ate tomatoes until her neighbor shared a bumper crop of tomatoes and eggplants, foods that are members of the nightshade plant family. Cramps, Gout, Menstrual Problems The Benefit of using Peony Root as a natural cure All of the above factors can trigger asthmatic reactions in sensitive people. So can a host of other factors, including exercise, cold air, aspirin, sulfites (a preservative used in wines, beers, and some salad bars), and tar-trazine (a yellow coloring used in some foods and drugs). In addition, emotional stress can induce asthmatic reactions in some people, and being overweight predisposes some people to asthma. Cramps- Gout- Menstrual Problems- Continue Reading →
Activities (Nutmeg) – Abortifacient ; Allergenic ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antiedemic ; Antiinflammatory ; Antioxidant ; Antiperistaltic ; Antiseptic ; Antitumor ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Carminative (f; N Asthma The Benefit of using Onions as a natural cure Garam masala may be used powdered or combined with liquids into a paste. It is most often used to flavor meat dishes. Elder leaves and elderberries ( Sambucus nigra and other species) have a long history of medicinal use. Hippocrates, regarded as the father of medicine, wrote about elderberries in the fourth century b.c. Shakespeare mentioned them in his play The Merry Wives of Windsor. They were viewed as so potent that during the 1600s, many people hung elderberry branches and leaves by their doors to keep away the evil spirits that were believed to cause illness. Among Native Americans, various species of elder leaves were used to treat rheumatism and fever. Activities (Alfalfa) – Abortifacient ; Alterative ; Antiatherosclerotic ; Antibacterial ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Antiscorbutic ; Antispasmodic ; Antithrombic ; Aperitif ; Bitter ; Cardiotonic ; Choleretic ; Cyanogenic ; Deobstruent ; Depurative ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Ecbolic ; Emetic ; Emmenagogue ; Estrogenic ; Asthma- Since 5-HTP is not even in the PDR, quite frankly, many doctors are nei ther aware of, nor very conversant with, the product. On the other hand, some physicians are using 5-HTP for Parkinson’s disease, myelomas, anxiety, depression, appetite control, Alzheimers disease, sleep disorders, autism, addictions, aggression, aging problems, dementia, and numerous other health problems. Continue Reading →
Activities (Sweet Gale) – Antioxidant ; Antiviral ; Astringent ; Bacteristat ; Diuretic ; Emetic ; Errhine ; Expectorant ; Fungistat ; Hepatoprotective ; Insecticide ; Insectifuge ; Narcotic ; Sedative ; Sialagogue ; Stimulant ; Stomachic ; Toxic ; Vermifuge . ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers Disease, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol High, Forgetfulness, Hair Loss, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hyperactivity, Hypertension, Joint Pain, Memory, Overactive Thyroid, Poor Circulation The Benefit of using Omega-3 Fatty Acids as a natural cure Animal studies document placental transfer and secretion into breast milk of unsaturated PAs (CAN). Excessive doses may interfere with blood pressure and heart therapy (CAN). If making your own kefir or other fermented foods at home seems daunting, nearly all of these are available for purchase through health food stores. As always, check the ingredients list to make sure you are getting what you expect. Improve your digestive function by combining a bitter herb with a restorative and a demulcent herb into a tea and drinking it on a daily basis until the symptoms improve. Two examples are given below and overleaf. ADD and ADHD- Alzheimers Disease- Arteriosclerosis- Arthritis- Atherosclerosis- Blood Pressure- Cholesterol High- Forgetfulness- Hair Loss- Hardening of the Arteries- Heart Disease- High Blood Pressure- Hyperactivity- Hypertension- Joint Pain- Memory- Overactive Thyroid- Poor Circulation- The most popular way is to keep the Serotonin that is already present in the gap between synapses from being removed by the body. After the Serotonin has done its work in the synapse, it is taken up back into the cell. The most popular drugs plug up those take up nozzles so that more Serotonin remains in the gap to continue to do its work. Continue Reading →
fatty acids in their diets. However, breast milk from the allergic mothers contained less of the omega-3 fatty acids, which would predispose their infants to allergies. Menstrual Problems The Benefit of using Motherwort as a natural cure Member of the mint family, and like other mints can easily spread. It is a perennial with blue flowers and grown as decorative herb in garden or to attract pollinators. As catnip is used to stuff cat toys, it is attractive to outdoor cats in your garden area. Learn more about growing catnip. Another effective home remedy for loss of hair is the application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair loss. It will nourish the hair and promote hair growth. The coconut milk is prepared by grinding the coconut shavings and squeezing it well. For one thing, Arthritis causes not just joint pain and inflammation, but complex musculoskeletal disorders that cause’s constant throbbing pain in your bones and joints. In no way is it just a little pain. And further more as for the age factor, arthritis is not just an old-age symptom or disease; it is an age, race and gender neutral affliction that affects millions of people across the globe. Menstrual Problems- heart failure, headache, hyperprolactinemia, high blood pressure, hypokalemia, muscle weakness, myoglobinuria, myopathy, and paralysis (Martindale’s 30th). As prolonged use/higher doses may give mineralcorticoid adverse effects/interactions, the root should not be used for more than 4-6 Continue Reading →
provided no additional benefits. However, 15 percent of the people taking antioxidants alone (no antibiotics) were cured of their H. pylori infection. Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chest Congestion, Colds and Flu, Coughs, Emphysema, Flu Virus, Hay Fever, Influenza, Lungs, Postnasal Drip, Respiratory Problems, Sinus, Sore Throat, Tuberculosis The Benefit of using Mullein Leaf as a natural cure The onset of pleurisy is generally marked by a sharp and stabbing pain, which may be felt in any part of the chest wall or over the diaphragm. Deep breathing or coughing increases the pain. IN Two other studies have found that vitamin C supplements are beneficial. In a small trial sponsored by the World Health Organization, researchers gave 5 g of vitamin C daily for four weeks to thirty-two people with chronic gastritis and H. pylori infections. The supplements eradicated H. pylori infections in 30 percent of the patients. In Italy fifty-eight patients were treated with antibiotics, followed by either 500 mg of vitamin C daily for six months or no further treatment at all. Precancerous gastric cells were reversed in about a third of the patients taking vitamin C. In contrast, only one patient (technically 3.4 percent) from the other group improved. Based on the above observations, the following charts show the common foods with acid and alkaline ash : Allergies- Asthma- Bronchitis- Chest Congestion- Colds and Flu- Coughs- Emphysema- Flu Virus- Hay Fever- Influenza- Lungs- Postnasal Drip- Respiratory Problems- Sinus- Sore Throat- Tuberculosis- Research over the past twenty-five years by Burton M. Berkson, M.D., Ph.D., an adjunct professor at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, has found alpha-lipoic acid to greatly enhance liver function and liver glutathione levels. This effect is particularly important in controlling chronic hepatitis. Patients with hepatitis C consistently and significantly improve when following his triple antioxidant” regimen, which included 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid, 400 mcg of selenium, and 900 mg of silymarin (an extract of the herb milk thistle) daily. This program leads to a near normalization of liver function. Continue Reading →
Activities (Kombe) – Anxiolytic ; Cardiotonic ; Curare ; Digitalic ; Diuretic ; Negative Chronotropic ; Negative Dromotropic ; Pediculicide ; Positive Bathmotropic ; Positive Inotropic . Antioxidant, Immune System, Prostate The Benefit of using Lycopene as a natural cure The symptoms of cancer vary according to the site of the growth. The American Cancer Society has prescribed seven signs or danger signals in general which may indicate the presence of cancer. These are : a sore that does not heal ; change in bowel or bladder habits ; unusual bleeding or discharge ; thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere ; indigestion or difficulty in swallowing ; obvious change in a wart or a mole, and a persistent and nagging cough or hoarseness. Other symptoms may include unexplained loss of weight , particularly in older people, a change in skin colour and changes in the menstrual periods, especially bleeding between periods. Indications (Betel Palm) – Anorexia ; Bacteria ; Beriberi ; Bleeding ; Bronchosis ; Cholera ; Colic ; Cough ; Vitamin C also can reduce the damaging effects of UV radiation. A study by Steven S. Traikovich, D.O., of Phoenix, Arizona, found that a vitamin C-containing lotion was able to reduce fine wrinkles, roughness, and skin tone compared to a similar lotion without the vitamin. Vitamin C Antioxidant- Immune System- Prostate- Pregnant women with a history of repeated abortions should take all other precautions necessary to prevent miscarriage. They should avoid sexual intercourse, during early pregnancy. They should go to bed early and rise early and take regular exercise, but avoid fatigue. They should sleep on a hard mattress with their heads low, and remain calm and cool. Continue Reading →
Therefore when you decide to buy ready-processed herbs, consider the points below in order to be safe and not waste your money. Sore throat, Ulcers The Benefit of using Licorice as a natural cure Dosages (Bilberry) – 1-2 tbsp crushed fruit/cup water; or 3 tbsp (ca 30 g) dried berries (APA); 20-60 g dry fruit (KOM); 12-24 g dry fruit (PED); 20-60 g dry fruit/day (SF); 1/2-1 cup fresh fruit (PED); 100-300 g fresh berry (SHT); 1-1.5 tsp fruit (= ~7-10.5 g) cold infusion (MAD); 2-8 Magnesium is widely distributed in foods. It is a part of the chlorophyll in green vegetables. Other good sources of this mineral are nuts, soyabeans, alfalfa, apples, figs, lemons, peaches, almonds, whole grains, brown rice, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The recommended dietary allowances for magnesium are 350 mg. per day for adult man, 300 mg. for women and 450 me. during pregnancy and lactation. Deficiency can lead to kidney damage and kidney stones, muscle cramps, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, epileptic seizures, nervous irritability, marked depression and confusion, impaired protein metabolism and premature wrinkles. After the juice fast,the patient should spend a further three to five days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet. IN this regimen, he should have three meals a day, at five-hourly intervals of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapple and melon. If losing much weight on the all-fruit diet, those already under weight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal. Sore throat- Ulcers- For example, people who are taking such drugs as Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Effexor, and, most especially, MAO inhibitors should exercise caution when considering a regimen of 5-HTP. The result could be an overdose of Serotonin, leading to severe nausea, agitation, lethargy, or any number of unpleasant side effects. Although 5-HTP has few serious side effects when taken alone, it could conceivably trigger serious and lasting side effects of the drugs it is taken with. This has never been observed to happen, so it’s a theoretical warning, but it’s better to be prudent and avoid the risk. Continue Reading →
Frigidity, Headache, Impotence, Migraine Headaches The Benefit of using L-Arginine as a natural cure Frigidity- Headache- Impotence- Migraine Headaches- Continue Reading →
Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Blood Pressure, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension The Benefit of using Khella as a natural cure Arteriosclerosis- Atherosclerosis- Blood Pressure- Hardening of the Arteries- Heart Disease- High Blood Pressure- Hypertension- Continue Reading →
After an evaluation, Lieberman suspected that gluten intolerance was at the core of Roberta’s problems and that dairy was likely a contributing factor. In gluten-sensitive people this protein triggers an autoimmune reaction that often leads to wide-ranging food sensitivities. Roberta was also under considerable stress related to family issues, and Lieberman made a referral to help Roberta cope with these problems. Arthritis, Backache, Chest Congestion, Colic, Cramps, Cystitis, Dyspepsia, Emphysema, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Gout, Indigestion, Joint Pain, Kidneys, Lack of Appetite, Lungs, Pain, Poor Digestion, Prostate, Sciatica, Stomach Upset, Tuberculosis, Upset Stomach, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Water Retention The Benefit of using Juniper Berry as a natural cure Square stems are covered with white, wooly hairs. Bluntly toothed leaves are nearly round, wrinkled, and somewhat hairy on the upper surface. Pungent white flowers are borne just above the leaves in dense clusters, from summer to fall. Look for hore-hound in dry and sandy fields. Harvest the entire plant in spring and summer. Perennial. Listed Dosages (Guaiacum) – 1-2 g wood in tea 3 ×/day (CAN); 4.5 g wood/day (KOM); 6-9 tsp (28-40 g) wood in tea (MAD); 1.5 g wood/cold water, up to 5 g/day (PHR); 1-2 ml liquid extract (1:1 in 80% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.3-2 g (HHB); 2-4 ml tincture (PNC; CAN). JLH); Cancer, colon ; Cancer, intestine ; Cancer, joint ; Cancer, mouth ; Cancer, sinew ; Cancer, stomach ; Cancer, throat ; Cancer, tongue ; Cancer, uterus ; Cardiopathy ; Catarrh ; Chlorosis ; Cholecystosis ; Conjunctivosis ; Constipation ; Cough ; Cramp ; Dermatosis ; Dyspnea ; Dysuria ; Eczema ; Enterosis ; Epilepsy ; Exanthema ; Fever ; Fungus ; Glossosis ; Gout ; Gravel ; Headache ; Hemorrhoid ; High Blood Pressure ; Hoarseness ; Hypochondria ; Hysteria ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Insomnia ; Jaundice ; Leukemia (1; Arthritis- Backache- Chest Congestion- Colic- Cramps- Cystitis- Dyspepsia- Emphysema- Genito-Urinary Ailments- Gout- Indigestion- Joint Pain- Kidneys- Lack of Appetite- Lungs- Pain- Poor Digestion- Prostate- Sciatica- Stomach Upset- Tuberculosis- Upset Stomach- Urinary Tract Problems- Venereal Disease- Water Retention- Through this asana, the muscles of the neck become stronger and blood circulation is improved. The functioning of the cervical nerves, ganglia and the thyroid also gets improved. Continue Reading →
Chelerythrine, at 10 mg/kg (orl rat), was comparable in antiinflammatory activity to indomethacin at 5 mg/kg. Chelerythrine also works against Candida and Gram-positive, if not Gram-negative, bacteria. Chelerythrine potentiates the analgesia of morphine, prolongs barbiturate sleep, and is hypotensive following an immediate hypertensive thrust (in cats, mice, and rats). Asirinin has antitubercular activity; neoherculin is insecticidal and sialagogue. Anxiety, Nervous Conditions, Restlessness, Tension The Benefit of using Jiaogulan as a natural cure Synonyms: R. buschii (Rozanova) Grossh., R. idaeus var. vulgatus Arrh., R. vulgatus var. buschii Rozanova. I have found elderflower tea to be more effective in nipping a cold in the bud than echinacea, and it is certainly a cheaper option. However, I know plenty of people who use echinacea in larger doses at the onset of symptoms and get good results (a large dose is 5ml 3 times a day of 1:5 tincture, while a long-term-use adult dose is 1-2ml 3 times a day of 1:5 tincture). By careful experimenting you can find out what works best for you. Anxiety- Nervous Conditions- Restlessness- Tension- Continue Reading →
Dosages (Calendula) – 5-40 drops tincture 3 ×/day; 1-5 g herb/cup tea, 3 ×/daily (SF); 1-4 g flower as tea, 3 ×/day (CAN); 1-2 tsp flower/cup water (APA); 5 g flower in 1 liter milk for stomach cancer (JFM); 0.5-1.0 ml liquid flower extract (1:1 in 40% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.3-1.2 ml flower tincture (1:5 in 90% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 1-4 ml liquid floral extract (PNC); 0.3-1.2 Bronchitis, Detoxification, Fever, Flu Virus, Obesity The Benefit of using Hyssop as a natural cure Activities (Ethiopian Pepper) – Abortifacient ; Anthelminthic ; Antiseptic ; Carminative ; Counterirritant ; Emetic ; Emmenagogue ; Laxative ; Tonic . Dosages (Glory-Lily) – 5-10 grains vermifuge, stomachic, and tonic (WOI); larger doses toxic, possibly lethal; do not take (JAD). Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Guaiacum) – Not covered (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). None known (KOM). CAN Bronchitis- Detoxification- Fever- Flu Virus- Obesity- In the beginning of the treatment, the child should be placed on a fast, on orange juice and water for few days. He should be given the juice of an orange diluted with warm water on 50 : 50 basis. Continue Reading →
Anxiety, Bronchitis, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Joint Pain, Liver, Mood The Benefit of using Horney Goat Weed as a natural cure Anxiety- Bronchitis- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Joint Pain- Liver- Mood- Continue Reading →
Anxiety, Headache, Insomnia, Migraine Headaches, Nervous Conditions, Restlessness, Sleeplessness, Tension The Benefit of using Griffonia Seed as a natural cure Anxiety- Headache- Insomnia- Migraine Headaches- Nervous Conditions- Restlessness- Sleeplessness- Tension- Continue Reading →
Anxiety, Cancer, Depression Mild, Heart Disease, Nervous Conditions, Restlessness, Stress, Tension, Worms The Benefit of using Graviola as a natural cure Anxiety- Cancer- Depression Mild- Heart Disease- Nervous Conditions- Restlessness- Stress- Tension- Worms- Continue Reading →
Take echinacea tincture (for precautions see page 115). Adults: 1-2 ml 2-3 times a day, tincture strength 1:5. Eye Issues The Benefit of using Golden Seal Root as a natural cure Seeds of bitter luffa which are easily available can also be used for the same purpose after rubbing in water. Infusion 1 teaspoon per cup, steep 8 to 10 minutes covered, 1 to 3 cups per day Tincture 5 to 30 drops, 1 to 3 times per day Diarrhea ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia ; Eczema ; Emaciation ; Enterosis ; Eruption ; Escherichia ; Fever ; Flu ; Fungus ; Gas ; Gout ; Headache ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; High Cholesterol ; Eye Issues- Good choices are d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopheryl suc-vitamin e to extinguish the flames of inflammation Continue Reading →
Indications (Alkanet) – Abscess ; Ameba ; Bacteria ; Burn ; Cancer ; Cancer, uterus ; Candida ; Decubitis ; Dermatosis ; Diarrhea ; EBV ; Indolent Ulcer ; Induration ; Inflammation ; Leukemia ; Snakebite ; Sore ; Staphylococcus ; Ulcus cruris ; Uterosis ; Virus ; Wound ; Yeast . Antioxidant, Blood Sugar, Boils, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Colds, COPD, Diabetes, Energy, Fatigue, Flu Virus, Heart, Herpes, Immune System, Infection, Libido, Liver, Memory, Menstruation, Stamina The Benefit of using Ginseng as a natural cure Malaria ; Mastosis ; Measles ; Menorrhagia ; Mycosis ; Nephrosis ; Nervousness ; Pain Activities (White Cohosh) – Allergenic ; Alterative ; Anticonvulsant ; Aperitif ; Circulostimulant ; Deliriant ; Emetic ; Insectifuge ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Nervine ; Spasmogenic ; Vesicant . Successful treatment with herbs requires some experimenting. We are all different genetically and we all vary in our response to herbs. Certain people will need larger doses than others and certain people will react well to a particular herb that does not do much for others. If you tried a particular herb selection from the must-have herbs and this did not sort out the problem, try some herbs from the optional herbs’ selection, as they may suit you better. Observe your reaction to a particular herb carefully: for most conditions described in this book I would expect results from within a few hours to up to a few days. Once you have found a reliable herb that works for you in a particular situation, stick to it. Antioxidant- Blood Sugar- Boils- Cancer- Cardiovascular- Cholesterol- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Colds- COPD- Diabetes- Energy- Fatigue- Flu Virus- Heart- Herpes- Immune System- Infection- Libido- Liver- Memory- Menstruation- Stamina- Activities (American Hellebore) – Abortifacient ; Analgesic ; Antipyretic ; Antispasmodic ; Aperitif (f; Continue Reading →
Infusion 1 teaspoon per cup, steep 8 to 10 minutes covered, 1 to 3 cups per day Tincture 5 to 30 drops, 1 to 3 times per day Blood Pressure, Candida Yeast Infection, Giardia, Gingivitis, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Tonsillitis The Benefit of using Goldenseal as a natural cure Diarrhea ; Dysentery ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia ; Eczema ; Emaciation ; Enterosis ; Eruption ; Escherichia ; Fever ; Flu ; Fungus ; Gas ; Gout ; Headache ; Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; High Blood Pressure ; High Cholesterol ; Good choices are d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopheryl suc-vitamin e to extinguish the flames of inflammation Calms the sympathetic nervous system Moth-erwort’s ability to calm the sympathetic nervous system is probably due to its intense acrid bitters, which promote the transition from the sym-pathetic state to the parasympathetic state of relaxation. According to herbalist Matthew Becker (Wood, 2008), motherwort is excellent for those who move too quickly in thoughts, emotions, or actions that are not well thought out. Also good for anxiety and stress held in the gastrointestinal tract. Calms the heart Traditionally used as a tonic Blood Pressure- Candida Yeast Infection- Giardia- Gingivitis- High Blood Pressure- Hypertension- Tonsillitis- due to gossypol. Animals fed seed press cakes 3-4 weeks showed enterosis, gastrosis, hematuria, jaundice, nephritis, and ophthalmic disorders (PH2). Continue Reading →
Atherosclerosis ; Bacillus ; Bacteria ; Biliousness ; Bleeding ; Blister ; Boil ; Bronchosis ; Bruise ; Bug Bite ; Burn ; Cancer ; Cancer, breast ; Anxiety, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Fever, Heart Disease, Jaundice, Liver, Nervous Conditions, Poor Circulation, Restlessness, Tension, Worms The Benefit of using Gentian as a natural cure due to gossypol. Animals fed seed press cakes 3-4 weeks showed enterosis, gastrosis, hematuria, jaundice, nephritis, and ophthalmic disorders (PH2). Activities (White Spruce) – Antibacterial ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Diuretic ; Bronchospasmolytic ; Expectorant ; Irritant ; Pulmonary ; Rubefacient ; Secretolytic . Patients suffering from asthma appear to be gasping for breath. Actually, they have more trouble exhaling than inhaling because the air passages of the small bronchi become clogged and constricted with mucus, thus making it difficult for the patient to breathe out. All asthmatics have more difficulty at night, especially during sleep. Anxiety- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Fever- Heart Disease- Jaundice- Liver- Nervous Conditions- Poor Circulation- Restlessness- Tension- Worms- Avoiding crowded, air-conditioned areas is another simple way of minimising your chances of catching a cold, as is maintaining a distance from people who are already ill. Within a family, colds often spread through the use of the same cutlery or cups – just make sure you put them on a hot wash cycle or wash them extra well by hand. Continue Reading →
People who suffer from PTSD re-experience the event that traumatized them through frightening and realistic night mares, night terrors, or flashbacks of the event. In rare cases, the person falls into a temporary dislocation from reality in which he or she relives the trauma. This can last from a few terrifying seconds to horribly agonizing days. “Psychic numbing,” or emotional anesthesia, occurs when victims have de creased interest in, or involvement with, people or activities they once enjoyed. The patient may suffer from excessive alertness and highly sharpened senses and an exaggerated startle reaction. A car backfiring may cause people who were once subjected to gunfire to instinctively drop to the ground or go into hysterics. ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers Disease, Arthritis, Backache, Bedwetting, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Depression Mild, Dizziness, Emphysema, Eyes, Fatigue, Forgetfulness, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Glaucoma, Hair Loss, Hyperactivity, Infections, Inflammation, Joint Pain, Kidneys, Lungs, Memory, Mononucleosis, Muscle Cramps Spasms, Muscle Soreness, Obesity, Pain, PMS, Poor Circulation, Sciatica, Tuberculosis, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Yeast Infections The Benefit of using Ginkgo Biloba as a natural cure 0 ADD and ADHD- Alzheimers Disease- Arthritis- Backache- Bedwetting- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Depression Mild- Dizziness- Emphysema- Eyes- Fatigue- Forgetfulness- Genito-Urinary Ailments- Glaucoma- Hair Loss- Hyperactivity- Infections- Inflammation- Joint Pain- Kidneys- Lungs- Memory- Mononucleosis- Muscle Cramps Spasms- Muscle Soreness- Obesity- Pain- PMS- Poor Circulation- Sciatica- Tuberculosis- Urinary Tract Problems- Venereal Disease- Yeast Infections- Continue Reading →
Synonyms: L. aculeata L., L. camara var. nivea (Vent.) L. H. Bailey, L. hybrida hort., L. nivea Vent. Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Cardiovascular, Detox, Digestion, Dizziness, Flu Virus, Gallbladder, Indigestion, Morning Sickness, Nausea, Prostate, Protein Increase The Benefit of using Ginger as a natural cure Synonym – Cytisus alschingeri Vis., C. laburnum L., Laburnum anagyroides var. alschingeri (Vis.) C. K. Schneid. Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Hawthorn) – Class 1 (AHP). May potentiate digitalis (AHP) and other cardiac medicines (WAM). Can interfere with cardiac, hypertensive, and hypotensive therapies. “Not suitable for self medication” (CAN). Contrast that with Lininger et al., Lao Tzu said in the Art of War, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” In other words – know what you’re dealing with in acid reflux and you’ll feel more capable to take it on with a clear and effective strategy such as is outlined in this book. Anti-Inflammatory- Antioxidant- Arthritis- Cardiovascular- Detox- Digestion- Dizziness- Flu Virus- Gallbladder- Indigestion- Morning Sickness- Nausea- Prostate- Protein Increase- with the same activity.” The presence of ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, and diuretics makes this herb a safer offering in my book, than the four separate pharmaceuticals belonging to those A, B, C, and D recommendations for cardiopathy. “Roots, leaves, and flowers all contain cardioactive compounds (CRC). One paper cited in Mitchell and Rook notes that corneal scratches with the thorns led to blindness in 88 of 132 Irish accidents. With cyanogenic and cardioactive compounds, not to mention tannin, scattered throughout the plant, it should not be taken lightly” (CRC). The presence of oleanolic and ursolic acids (COX-2 inhibitors) may be equally significant in Alzheimer’s disease, arthrosis, and cancer. With isolated guinea pig heart muscle, luteolin-7-glucoside increased coronary flow 186%, hyperoside 66%, and rutin 66% (PH2). Continue Reading →
Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Obesity, Stomach The Benefit of using Garcinia Cambogia as a natural cure Blood Sugar- Cholesterol- Obesity- Stomach- Continue Reading →
Patients suffering from premenstrual tension may show a gain of weight of one kg or more in the latter part of the menstrual cycle due to salt and water retention. The retention of fluid is partly due to ovarian steroids, but there is also an increased output of anti diuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary gland. Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Constipation, Fatigue, Frigidity, Hardening of the Arteries, Impaired Sexual Desire, Impotence, Virility The Benefit of using Fo-Ti Root as a natural cure Start a week before. Here’s another great way to deal with fasting and cleansing: don’t cut off a variety of foods immediately. Do it slowly instead. For example, two weeks before your actual fast days, you start removing sodas, starches, and alcohol, among others, from your diet or lifestyle. In the week before your fast stay away from solid or fried food. Instead, dine on soups, salads, and other light and healthy meals. By the time you’re already on your fasting phase, your stomach is more prepared for eating less, and you won’t feel hungry continuously. Put herbs into a large muslin bag and add to a hot bath. Soak 20 to 30 minutes while drinking ginger root or yarrow tea. Arteriosclerosis- Atherosclerosis- Constipation- Fatigue- Frigidity- Hardening of the Arteries- Impaired Sexual Desire- Impotence- Virility- Continue Reading →
Dosages (Oregano) – 1-2 tsp dry leaf/cup water to 3 ×/day (APA); 2-3 tsp (4-6 g) leaf in tea/day (MAD); 1 tsp herb/250 ml water (PHR); foot bath for amenorrhea (MAD). Joint Pain The Benefit of using Flax as a natural cure Leucorrhoea may also result from a chill. A chill causes inflammation of the womb and vaginal membranes. Other common causes are the displacement of the womb and unhygienic conditions which attract bacteria to the geniral organs. When there is abundant vitality, excess acids are ejected almost before they reach any appreciable concentration in one or the other of the acute cleansing efforts such as colds and fevers. When the vitality is low, the acid wastes are concentrated around the joints and bony structure, where they form the basis of rheumatism. The reason why large quantities of acid wastes piling up in the system are attracted towards body structure for storage is that lime, which is the most prominent constituent of the bony structure, is an alkaline substance. In certain cases, infection from the teeth, tonsils and gall bladder may produce rheuamtism. The disease is aggravated by exposure to cold water. Most kidney stones are composed either of calcium oxalate or phosphate, the latter being most common in the presence of infection. About 90 per cent of all stones contain calcium as the chief constituent. More than half of these are mixtures of calcium , ammonia, and magnesium, phosphates and carbonates, while the remainder contain oxalate. Uric acid and cystine stones represent about four percent and one per cent respectively of the total incidence of stones. Joint Pain- Passive aggression . Passive-aggressive anger is repressed by internalizing it and denying that it exists. Internalization of anger may lead to both physical and psychological disorders if it is too frequently used.. Continue Reading →
Pelvic inflammatory disease: strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herbs need to be used, so this is best done under supervision. Menopause, Menstrual Problems The Benefit of using False Unicorn Root as a natural cure Menopause- Menstrual Problems- Continue Reading →
4. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can dull an elderly person’s personality and will to be active, and can cause lethargic mental processes, to again mimic Alzheimers disease. The average healthy elderly adult takes five pills per day. The average ill elderly adult takes 11 pills per day. Too many nursing homes feel that a tranquilized patient is a good patient and thus distribute drugs to dull their senses and their sense. All medications should be reviewed with a physician periodically and those that are not absolutely necessary should be stopped. Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diarrhea, Ear Ache, Fever, Flu Virus, Headache, Lack of Appetite, Migraine, Migraine Headaches, Nausea, PMS, Skin Issues, Stomach, Swelling Issues The Benefit of using Feverfew as a natural cure Organs or systems affected Lungs, central nervous system Therapeutic actions Sedative, astringent Nature Bitter, pungent, cool Plant constituents Isoflavones, organic acids, beta-sitosterol, tannins Flower essence Promotes a sense of freedom and opening within the body when one is feeling confined or constricted The seeds of eggplant ( baingan ) are stimulant. According to Dr. Sanyal of Calcutta, intake of half a gram to one gram of these seeds daily for three days will help develop immunity against measles for one year. Because sweet hot paprika is a blend, it offers the characteristics of both hot and sweet types. It adds just a touch of heat without being overpowering and brings a bit of sweetness and color, too. This blend is a good choice for garnishes and light seasoning. Allergies- Arthritis- Asthma- Cancer- Diarrhea- Ear Ache- Fever- Flu Virus- Headache- Lack of Appetite- Migraine- Migraine Headaches- Nausea- PMS- Skin Issues- Stomach- Swelling Issues- Dosages (Gardenia Oleander) – Don’t take except with physician guidance! (JAD); cymarin 0.6-0.9 mg ivn man/day, 2.3-2.5 mg orl man (HDN); ouabain 0.25-0.65 mg ivn man/day, 12-48 Continue Reading →
Animal studies document placental transfer and secretion into breast milk of unsaturated PAs (CAN). Excessive doses may interfere with blood pressure and heart therapy (CAN). Strokes The Benefit of using Fish Oils as a natural cure Improve your digestive function by combining a bitter herb with a restorative and a demulcent herb into a tea and drinking it on a daily basis until the symptoms improve. Two examples are given below and overleaf. Delaneyite nitpickologists will doubtless clamber to put the same goitrogenic warning on all members of the mustard family as well as papaya, caper, and nasturtium (JAD). In large doses, hard to get dietarily, indole-3-carbinol might stimulate breast cancer rather than prevent it because it does so at levels reasonably attainable through dietary consumption of crucifers (Brassicaceae). Activities (Fireweed) – Alpha-Reductase Inhibitor ; Antibacterial ; Anti-BPH ; Antiedemic ; Antiexudative ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiprostaglandin ; Antiprostatitic (1; Strokes- This highly infectious disease is caused by bacteria. It spreads rapidly from one child to another by droplet-infection. This is especially so during the early catarrhal stage,but once the typical spasmodic bout starts, the infectivity becomes negligible. This disease has a prolonged course of 8 to 10 weeks. Continue Reading →
Professional help should be sought as soon as the symptoms of postpartum depression are suspected, since postpartum depression can be extremely serious and dangerous for both mother and baby. Self mutilation and suicide, as well as serious harm and mortal injury to the baby, are not uncommon in critical cases of postpartum depression. Cirrhosis of the Liver, Gas, Liver The Benefit of using Fever Few as a natural cure Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rubber Vine) – “All parts may cause severe stomach and intestinal upset. Cases of death have been reported from India. The leaf is toxic. Dry vine emits an eye-irritating dust which may induce coughing and swelling” (CRC). Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Prickly Poppy) – Ingestion of the seed oil can cause anemia, diarrhea, dysentery, high-tension glaucoma, and vomiting due to the carcinogenic’ alkaloid, sanguinarine. Toxicity is due to interaction of sanguinarine and 11-oxo-triacon-tanoic acid. Milk of cows fed prickly poppy can cause glaucoma (WO2). LD50 of argemone oil Black caraway seeds are harvested from plants that are native to Asia. They have a taste that resembles pepper and onions, and they are popular in the cuisine of India and the Middle East. Cirrhosis of the Liver- Gas- Liver- contraindicated in edema resulting from reduced cardiac and/or kidney function. Possibly allergenic (PH2). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Continue Reading →
Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages (PH2). Animals grazing the plant are often intoxicated; symptoms include accelerated weak pulse, conjunctival hemorrhage, difficulty in breathing, dilation of the caecum, dizziness, elevated temperature, gastroenterosis, and megalosplenia. Grazing horses have suffered fatalities, as have mice fed only on this plant 3-4 days (PH2). CAN cautions that the pulegone in the volatile oil is an irritant to the GI tract and kidneys. Because of the irritant oil, its use in nephrosis, pregnancy, and lactation is to be avoided. Contraindicated, reportedly, in epilepsy, lactation, nephrosis, and pregnancy. In view of the lack of toxicity data and the reported cytotoxic activity of ursolic acid, excessive use of ground ivy should be avoided (CAN). But, all plants contain cytotoxic compounds and many, if not most, contain ursolic acid (JAD). Pulegone is an irritant, hepatotoxic, and abortifacient principle. In view of the lack of toxicity data and the possible irritant and abortifacient action of the volatile oil, the use of ground ivy during pregnancy and lactation should be avoided (PHR). Asthma The Benefit of using Ephedra as a natural cure Bloodroot’s sheathlike leaf is wrapped around the flower and increases in size after flowering. Palmate leaves are gray -green, lobed, and covered with hairs. Waxy white flowers bloom in early to midspring. Rhizomes are thick, round, and fleshy, and produce a red -orange juice. Grows in open woods. Perennial. Listed as endangered in some areas, plants are easily propagated by dividing the rhizomes in spring or fall. Grow in rich, well-drained soil, high in organic matter, full sun to part shade. Zones 3-8. However, there is a wrinkle to this story. With the successful use of antibiotics in eradicating H. pylori infections, a new leading cause of gastritis and ulcers has emerged: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and coxibs. All NSAIDs, including the so-called Cox-2 selective drugs, disrupt the activity of cyclooxygenase-1 (Cox-1), an enzyme critical for fatty acid production and for maintaining the health of the stomach wall. To treat a cold by means of customary suppressive drugs like aspirin and codeline only paves the way for future trouble of a more serious nature. For such a treatment puts a sudden stop to the eliminative process then taking place and forces the toxic matter back into the tissues again. Asthma- Green cardamom is the seed from one of several related species of plant native to India. Black and green cardamom may often be used interchangeably, though some people find the green variety has less of a smoky flavor. Continue Reading →
Do not exceed recommended dose. Alcoholic extracts contraindicated in pregnancy (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Commission E reports for oral use of leaf, contraindications: pregnancy (EO/alcoholic extracts); adverse effects: prolonged use of EO/alcoholic extracts may produce epileptiform cramps. Other sources report leaf, as herbal tea, should not be used for prolonged period (AEH). “Contraindicated in pregnancy. May interfere with anticonvulsant and hypoglycemic therapies; may potentiate or synergize other sedatives. Acne, Anaemia, Anemia, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Constipation, Cystic Fibrosis, Detoxification, Diabetes, Diaper Rash, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Fever, Gall Bladder, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Heart Disease, Hives, Immunity, Indigestion, Itching, Jaundice, Kidneys, Liver, Mononucleosis, Pimples, Poor Circulation, Poor Digestion, Psoriasis, Rash, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Stomach Upset, Tetters, Upset Stomach, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Water Retention, Wounds The Benefit of using Dandelion Root as a natural cure Activities (Evodia) – Analgesic ; Anthelminthic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antiedemic ; Antifertility ; Antihelicobacter ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antiviral ; Astringent ; Carminative ; CNS-Stimulant ; Decongestant ; Deobstruent ; Diuretic ; Hypertensive ; Laxative ; Positive Chronotropic ; Positive Inotropic ; Sedative ; Stimulant ; Stomachic ; Tonic ; Uterotonic ; Vasodilator . Dinner : Sprouts such as alfalfa and mung beans, a good-sized salad of raw vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, whole wheat bread and butter. Mustard seeds are the small seeds of the mustard plant. There are several varieties of this plant and they are widely cultivated. The seeds vary from mild to warm depending upon the variety. Acne- Anaemia- Anemia- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Constipation- Cystic Fibrosis- Detoxification- Diabetes- Diaper Rash- Dyspepsia- Eczema- Fever- Gall Bladder- Genito-Urinary Ailments- Heart Disease- Hives- Immunity- Indigestion- Itching- Jaundice- Kidneys- Liver- Mononucleosis- Pimples- Poor Circulation- Poor Digestion- Psoriasis- Rash- Shingles- Skin Conditions- Stomach Upset- Tetters- Upset Stomach- Urinary Tract Problems- Venereal Disease- Water Retention- Wounds- APA; CRC; JFM); Orchosis ; Pain ; Parasite ; Polyp ; Proctosis ; Rheumatism ; Sclerosis ; Sore ; Spasm ; Sprain ; Staphylococcus ; Ulcer ; Uterosis ; Virus ; Water Retention ; Wen ; Wound . Continue Reading →
Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, Backache, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dyspepsia, Fever, Gall Bladder, Gout, Hardening of the Arteries, Indigestion, Inflammation, Joint Pain, Kidney, Lack of Appetite, Muscles, Pain, Poor Digestion, Sciatica, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach, Water Retention The Benefit of using Devils Claw as a natural cure Arteriosclerosis- Arthritis- Atherosclerosis- Backache- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Dyspepsia- Fever- Gall Bladder- Gout- Hardening of the Arteries- Indigestion- Inflammation- Joint Pain- Kidney- Lack of Appetite- Muscles- Pain- Poor Digestion- Sciatica- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- Water Retention- Continue Reading →
Diarrhoea is a symptom of many diseases. The recommendations for treatment included here refer to the simple, occasional looseness of stool that we all experience after a suspect meal or when eating unfamiliar food abroad. If your diarrhoea does not improve within 24 hours or is exceptionally watery you must seek medical help, as there is a danger of dehydration. This is especially important with small children, who can get dehydrated rapidly, so make sure that they drink a lot. Water with lemon juice and honey is good, or any diluted fruit juice. Diarrhea, Excessive Menstruation The Benefit of using Cranesbill as a natural cure Activities (Kola Nuts) – Anorectic ; Antiviral ; Aphrodisiac ; Cardiotonic ; CNS-Stimulant ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Masticatory ; Nervine ; Stimulant ; Tonic . CRC; PNC); Uterotonic ; Vasoconstrictor ; Vermifuge ; Vulnerary . Diarrhea- Excessive Menstruation- Continue Reading →
Dosages (Bayberry) – APA cautions: do not take (APA). 0.6-2 g powdered bark by infusion or decoction, 3 ×/day (CAN); 20-30 grains powdered bark (FEL); 1-4 g powdered bark (PNC); 1.5-3 Indigestion, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach The Benefit of using Cumin as a natural cure Jennifer was a petite, active woman only 5 feet 1 inch tall. In order to keep her slim figure, Jennifer stopped eating meat, dairy, and fish, limited herself to 800-1,000 calories a day, and exercised at the gym faithfully. Although she looked healthy, a diet analysis indicated that Jennifer was not eating enough protein. When her protein intake was increased, Jennifer’s PMS symptoms were greatly relieved. Inflammation is the main feature of arthritis, which is a reaction of the joint tissues to some form of damage or injury. Decoction 1 or 2 teaspoons per cup, simmer 10 to 12 minutes covered, 1 to 3 cups per day Tincture 10 to 30 drops, 1 to 3 times per day Indigestion- Poor Digestion- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- Dr. Elisa Lotter is a naturopathic physician in Santa Barbara, California, who often recommends 5-HTP for menopause and weight loss. She says, “I think that part of the eating is self-medication. Part of the excessive exercise is self-medication. And if people are at the homeostatic state that they seek to be at, they can cease extreme behaviors. So, yes, the 5-HTP by increasing the Serotonin level, in reality does control the excess consumption of carbohydrates.” Continue Reading →
Cholesterol High, Heart Disease, Poor Circulation The Benefit of using Cordyceps Mushroom as a natural cure Cholesterol High- Heart Disease- Poor Circulation- Continue Reading →
Activities (Black Cohosh) – Abortifacient ; Alterative ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Antidotal ; Antiinflammatory ; Antipyretic ; Antirheumatic ; Antiserotonin ; Antispasmodic ; Antitumor-Proliferation ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Bitter ; CNS-Depressant ; Depurative ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Estrogenic ; Expectorant ; Hypoglycemic ; Hypotensive ; Immunodepressant ; Lactagogue ; Mucolytic ; Narcotic ; Peripheral Vasodilator ; Sedative ; Stomachic ; Luteinizing-Hormone Suppressant ; Tonic ; Tranquilizer ; Uterocontractant ; Uterotonic . Indigestion, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach The Benefit of using Cilantro Leaf as a natural cure CRC; DEM; HHB); Flu ; Fungus ; Gastrosis ; Gingivosis ; Gout ; Hematochezia ; Hemoptysis ; many cases, the diseases begins with a chill, followed by congestion of the pleura and later by fever. The degree of the fever determines the severity of the disease. The inflammation destroys the tissues and chokes the circulation within the tissues. Breathing becomes difficult due to the clogging of the circulation, and by pain and swelling within the chest. Later a liquid effusion escapes from the pleura, filling the open spaces in the chest cavity till the effect of the distension becomes oppressive. After absorption takes place or after the drainage of the effusion, the pressure is lowered, the pain is reduced and the patient feels relieved. It is sometimes dry pleurisy, a form where there is little or no effusion or the effusion may be circumscribed. The effusion may become gangrenous, or become mixed with blood, or be of a dirty brown colour with an offensive odour, leading to much suffering. Once the kneading of the abdomen isover, follow up by tapotement with both hands cupped or use the knuckles of the hand. Vibration may also be employed. The patient could also be asked to do some gymnastic exercises for strengthening the walls of the abdomen. Since blood pressure increases during abdominal manipulation, patients with hypertension should avoid abdominal massage. Massage should also be avoided in cases where there has been recent bleeding in the lungs, the stomach or the brain. Indigestion- Poor Digestion- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- Raw vegetable juices are also valuable in the treatment of tonsillitis. Juice of carrot, beet and cucumber taken individually or in combination are especially beneficial. Formula proportion found to be helpful when used in combination are carrot 300 ml., beet 100ml., and cucumber 100 ml. Continue Reading →
Dosages (Wild Yam) – 250-500 mg root/day (APA); 2-4 g powdered root (HHB); 40-400 mg powdered root (MAD); 1-2 tsp fresh root (PED); 2-4 g dry root (PED); 3 g dry root:15 ml alcohol/15 ml water (PED); 2-3 ml root tincture 3-4 ×/day (SKY); 0.5 tsp root tincture 2 ×/day (APA); 20-60 drops root tincture (FEL); 2-4 ml liquid root extract/day (APA); 2 (505 mg) capsules/day; 1 (505 mg) StX capsule/day (JAD); 2-4 fluid oz decoction. Indigestion, Toothache The Benefit of using Clove Oil as a natural cure Several home remedies have been found useful in the prevention and treatment of the loss of the hair. The most effective among these remedies is a vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy. In many ways, The Inflammation Syndrome expands on the concepts described in my previous book Syndrome X: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance. Far more than genes, poor eating habits are at the core of most modern degenerative disorders, including chronic inflammation. The Inflammation Syndrome is supported by hundreds of scientific studies and by successful clinical experiences, many of which you will read. Some of my scientific references are at the back of this book, and I encourage you to share all of them with your physician. Herein are described certain yogic kriyas, asanas and pranayama which have specific therapeutic values and are highly beneficial in the maintenance of health and the healing of diseases. Indigestion- Toothache- Serotonin levels are increased during the intake of addictive substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, certain narcotics, and caffeine. When individuals attempt to kick these habits, they often develop a chemical withdrawal syndrome when serotonin levels plummet. Continue Reading →
You need to take a number of criteria into account: the range of symptoms, their degree of severity, the age of the ill person, any other medication and/or supplements that he or she is taking, and so on. Urinary Tract Problems The Benefit of using Cleavers as a natural cure In their 1973 book e Secret Life of Plants, authors Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird explored the physical, emotional, and spiritual relationships between plants and people. ey discussed numerous researchers who have dedicated their lives to the study of plants and the outcome of their research. For example, in the 1950s, Dr. T. C. Singh studied the relationship between music and plants by play-ing traditional Indian music over a loudspeaker in several villages where several varieties of rice were growing. During the experiment, rice production in those villages was 25 to 60 percent higher than the regional average. Another researcher, Marcel Vogel, found that plants responded to Dosages (Pumpkin Seed) – Seeds are food farmacy! 60-500 g seed (APA); average single dose 50 g; 100-200 shelled seed kernels = 30-60 g (HHB); 10 g crushed seed (PHR; PH2; SHT). Activities (Linden) – Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Antiedemic ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Antistress ; Urinary Tract Problems- Itch ; Jaundice ; Leprosy ; Leptospirosis ; Leukemia ; Malaria ; Mycosis ; Nephrosis ; Pain ; Continue Reading →
Hypertension, if not eliminated, may cause heart attacks or strokes or other disability conditions such as detachment of the terina. Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Backache, Bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chest Congestion, Colds and Flu, Coughs, Eyes, Flu Virus, Glaucoma, Hay Fever, Inflammation, Influenza, Joint Pain, Mononucleosis, Muscle Cramps Spasms, Muscle Soreness, Pain, Postnasal Drip, Respiratory Problems, Sciatica, Sinus, Sore Throat The Benefit of using Citrus Bioflavonoids as a natural cure While there are virtually thousands of different enzymes, acids, hormones, molecules, and other aspects involved in the process, this breakdown gives a general idea of what happens when you swallow a bite of food. Every part of the digestive system needs to be in working order if the rest of the body is to be healthy. It is fairly easy to throw this entire system out of whack, simply with a few changes to the diet or by taking medication. A simple round of antibiotics might seem harmless, but it can wreak havoc on the entire GI tract. After an evaluation, Lieberman suspected that gluten intolerance was at the core of Roberta’s problems and that dairy was likely a contributing factor. In gluten-sensitive people this protein triggers an autoimmune reaction that often leads to wide-ranging food sensitivities. Roberta was also under considerable stress related to family issues, and Lieberman made a referral to help Roberta cope with these problems. Mental tension is one of the major causes of fatigue. A person who is tense and cannot relax has all the muscles of his body more or less contracted. This leads to needless waste of unusually large amounts of energy. Food is continuously burnt, lactic acid accumulates more rapidly than it can be carried to liver for conversion to body starch. Persons who are high-strung, nervous and irritable usually suffer from this type of fatigue. Allergies- Arthritis- Asthma- Backache- Bronchitis- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Chest Congestion- Colds and Flu- Coughs- Eyes- Flu Virus- Glaucoma- Hay Fever- Inflammation- Influenza- Joint Pain- Mononucleosis- Muscle Cramps Spasms- Muscle Soreness- Pain- Postnasal Drip- Respiratory Problems- Sciatica- Sinus- Sore Throat- Human poisoning has followed ingestion of the convulsant EO for acne. In rats, sage oil is subclinically, clinically, and lethally convulsant at 300, 500, and 3200 mg/kg, respectively (CAN). Continue Reading →
Salve consistency is based on preference and consideration of use. Using an herbal oil as a base, you can add a little or a lot of beeswax to create a soft and greasy or a hard salve. In general, use ¾ to 1 ounce of beeswax to every cup of oil. is is the best starting point for consistency, and you can add more or less beeswax depending on your preference. Sometimes you’ll hear the word “balm” interchanged with the term “salve.” A balm contains a high amount of essential oils, often delivering a perfumelike aroma when applied to the skin. ADD and ADHD, Allergies, Anxiety, Anxiety and Stress, Arthritis, Backache, Blood Pressure, Bowels, Cramps, Diaper Rash, Diarrhea, Digestion, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Eyes, Gall Bladder, Gas Flatulence, GERD, Glaucoma, Headache, Hyperactivity, Indigestion, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Joint Pain, Kidneys, Late Menstruation, Menstrual Problems, Migraine Headaches, Muscle Soreness, Nausea, Nervous Conditions, Pain, Poor Digestion, Psoriasis, Rash, Restlessness, Sciatica, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Skin Issues, Sleeplessness, Stomach Upset, Stress, Tension, Tetters, Travelers Diarrhea, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, Upset Stomach, Wounds, Yeast Infections The Benefit of using Chamomile as a natural cure Organs or systems affected Gastrointestinal system Therapeutic actions Alterative, laxative, antiparasitic, bitter, cathartic Nature Bitter Plant constituents Hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides, tannins, flavonoids There is no one treatment for PMS because the symptoms are very individual and the exact cause of this condition is not known. Treatments that may help include vitamin supplements, dietary changes, and drug therapy. Learning to recognize the symptoms is an important step. Psychological counseling to increase a woman’s coping skills, in conjunction with medical treatment, may help. PMS support groups can be extremely beneficial. causes, any enteritis (appendicitis, colitis, Crohns disease, IBS), hemorrhoids, nephropathy, menstruation (AHP). AHP also says not to use in cases of abdominal pain or diarrhea. Discontinue use if or watery stools occur. Consult a health care provider before using in cases of pregnancy or nursing. Not for long-term use or overdosage (AHP). CAN cautions that anthraquinones are laxative and irritant to the GI C ADD and ADHD- Allergies- Anxiety- Anxiety and Stress- Arthritis- Backache- Blood Pressure- Bowels- Cramps- Diaper Rash- Diarrhea- Digestion- Dyspepsia- Eczema- Eyes- Gall Bladder- Gas Flatulence- GERD- Glaucoma- Headache- Hyperactivity- Indigestion- Insomnia- Irritable Bowel Syndrome- Joint Pain- Kidneys- Late Menstruation- Menstrual Problems- Migraine Headaches- Muscle Soreness- Nausea- Nervous Conditions- Pain- Poor Digestion- Psoriasis- Rash- Restlessness- Sciatica- Shingles- Skin Conditions- Skin Issues- Sleeplessness- Stomach Upset- Stress- Tension- Tetters- Travelers Diarrhea- Tuberculosis- Ulcers- Upset Stomach- Wounds- Yeast Infections- Blumenthal, Foster, and Pedersen all make the case that early on, some, many, or most of the earlier studies leading to the new fame for echinacea were really performed on Parthenium. Continue Reading →
seizure. This mineral together with vitamin B6 or pyridoxine has also been found effective in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Magnesium can be taken in therapeutic doses upto 700 mg. a day. Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Joint Pain, Pain The Benefit of using Chondroitin Sulfate as a natural cure These acid wastes are not neutralised due to absence of sufficient quantities of alkaline mineral salts in the foods eaten. This upsets the acid-alkaline balance in the body and produces the condition described as acidosis. Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Ground Pine) – Not covered (AHP; KOM). Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD). The Madras region of southern India is the source of this fiery curry. It shares a deep yellow hue with common curry powder, but the addition of extra red pepper gives it a noticeably hotter tang. Arthritis- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Joint Pain- Pain- Continue Reading →
Another powerful influence tends to poison the flesh of slaughtered animals. As is well known, emotions of worry, fear and anger actually poison blood and tissues. Imagine the excitable condition of animals after many days of travel, closely packed in shaking vehicles – hungry, thirsty, scared enroute to the slaughter -houses. Many die even before the end of their journey. Anuria, Poor Circulation The Benefit of using Cassia as a natural cure Disorders affecting circulation are very common. Mild problems such as chilblains can be easily treated at home, but potentially serious problems such as irregular heart beat require professional help. Establish a sleep routine. Give your body cues that it is time to slow down and prepare for sleep, just as we do with babies. Dosages (Red Clover) – 10-30 drops flower tincture (dried 1:5) 2-6 ×/day (AKT); 1-3 tsp dry flowers/cup water/up to 3 ×/day (APA; SKY); 4 g dry flowers, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN; PH2); 1.5-3 ml liquid flower extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 1-2 ml flower tincture (1:10 Anuria- Poor Circulation- Breakfast Mini Chicken Patties,* fresh fruit, and sliced gluten-free bread toasted with almond butter. Continue Reading →
Epilepsy The Benefit of using Cbd Hemp Oil as a natural cure Epilepsy- Continue Reading →
Alzheimers Disease, Anxiety, Backache, Blood Pressure, Depression Mild, Fatigue, Forgetfulness, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Impaired Sexual Desire, Memory, Nervous Conditions, Pain, Poor Circulation, Restlessness, Sciatica, Sleeplessness, Stress, Tension, Varicose Veins The Benefit of using Catuaba as a natural cure Alzheimers Disease- Anxiety- Backache- Blood Pressure- Depression Mild- Fatigue- Forgetfulness- High Blood Pressure- Hypertension- Impaired Sexual Desire- Memory- Nervous Conditions- Pain- Poor Circulation- Restlessness- Sciatica- Sleeplessness- Stress- Tension- Varicose Veins- Continue Reading →
Dosages (Sweet Broom) – Handful of plant boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes for refresh-ment; 2-4 handfuls for bathing deformed babies. Cirrhosis of the Liver, Constipation, Gall Bladder, Jaundice, Liver The Benefit of using Cascara Sagrada as a natural cure Activities (Greater Galangal) – Antiamphetamine ; Antibacterial ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiperistaltic ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Antitubercular ; Antiulcer ; Aphrodisiac ; Carminative ; CNS Depressant ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Expectorant ; Hypotensive ; Insecticide ; Protisticide ; Respiradepressant ; Respirastimulant ; Sternutator ; Stimulant ; Stomachic ; Tonic . Elecampane works well in combination with ground ivy, liquorice and thyme or elderflower (see the mix on page 107). As a budding herbalist, you have a lot to consider and much to be excited about. I’ve spoken with countless people about their interest in herbs and when it began. For many, it was a simple realization that what was being presented about using herbs medicinally seemed to make a lot of sense. Unlike the often overwhelming and confusing American model of modern medicine, herbal medicine presented something familiar and comforting. I like to think that understanding the basics of herbs and how they work gives us confidence that if we or our family members experience a cold or the flu, an upset tummy, or a muscle strain, for example, we can responsibly care for ourselves and our loved ones. One aspect of herbs that I particularly enjoy is the relationship built between the person and the plants. Every journey is di?erent, and plant medicine encour-ages that, o?ering endless resources and building bonds from knowledge and experience. Cirrhosis of the Liver- Constipation- Gall Bladder- Jaundice- Liver- For example, vitamin E lowers levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 and reduces the activity of various types of “adhesion molecules” that promote inflammation throughout the body. In fact, vitamin E may be the single most important nutrient for lowering CRP Continue Reading →
Trim excess fat and gristle from the chicken. Slice into thin pieces, running the length of each chicken breast so the pieces are no more than about 1?4 inch thick. Dip each piece into the egg, then dredge through the flour. When all of the chicken pieces are prepared (you can prepare very small pieces of chicken similarly to minimize waste), heat the olive oil 86 Kidney Stones The Benefit of using Celery as a natural cure Contraindicated with digitalis glycosides and potassium deficiency (KOM; PH2). Heart disorders, nausea, and vomiting in overdoses (KOM; PH2). Can potentiate calcium saluretics, glucocorticoids (extended therapy), laxatives, and quinidine (KOM). “Should be used only under medical supervision” (PNC). For example, amyloid beta protein, which strangles brain cells in Alzheimer’s disease, releases large numbers of free radicals that injure brain cells, according to research by Ashley I. Bush, M.D., Ph.D., a neu-rology researcher at Harvard Medical School. In an experiment with brain cells from rats, Allan Butterfield, Ph.D., a professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, found that vitamin E prevented the formation of free radicals in brain cells and protected them from the toxic effects of amyloid beta protein. The benefits of vitamin E were demonstrated by Mary Sano, Ph.D., of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in a study of 342 patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the patients received 2,000 IU of vitamin E Activities (Burdock) – Alterative ; Antibacterial ; Antidiabetic ; Antifuruncular ; Anti-HIV ; Antileukemic ; Antilymphomic ; Antimutagenic ; Antiphlegmatic ; Antipyretic ; Antirheumatic ; Antiseptic ; Antitumor ; Aperitif ; Astringent ; Bifidogenic ; Bitter ; Carminative ; Choleretic ; Cytoprotective ; Demulcent ; Depurative ; Desmutagenic ; Detoxicant ; Diaphoretic ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Kidney Stones- Any time a wound is bleeding, your first course of action is to stop the bleeding. is helps promote cellular functions that begin to clean and heal the wound and reduce the possibility of side e?ects such as dizziness or elevated pulse. To stop bleeding, apply direct pressure and elevate the injured part. In a pinch, directly applying calen-dula, shepherd’s purse, lady’s mantle, or cayenne will help. Continue Reading →
Activities (Corn Cockle) – Anesthetic ; Antibacterial ; Antimycotic ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Expectorant ; Hemolytic ; Hypotensive ; Narcotic ; Toxic ; Vermifuge . Arthritis, Muscle Cramps Spasms, Muscle Pain, Muscle Soreness, Prostate, Shingles The Benefit of using Capsicum as a natural cure The red colouring matter, called haemoglobin is a protein which is composed of an organic iron-compound called “heme”. The globin is a sulphur -bearing protein which makes up 96 per cent of the molecule. The formation of haemoglobin thus depends on adequate dietary supplies of iron and protein. Red cells have a lifespan of approximately 120 days and are destroyed and replaced daily. Each person should have 100 per cent haemoglobin or about 15 grams to 100 cc of blood, and a blood count of five million red cells per millimeter. A drop in the hemoglobin content results in anaemia and a consequent decreased ability of the blood to carry oxygen to the tissues. e biological activity of a newly produced pharmaceutical drug is of little importance to its manufacturer, because the drug can be controlled through increasing or decreasing dosage and application. After they’ve identified and extracted the chemical compounds and created the drug, they can manipulate it by adding other chemical elements to change the way it performs. In an alchemic context, this is quite amazing. Dosing is Appetite control and, more importantly, weight control have been major goals in the lives of most Americans for the greater part of this century. Ever since the mass media has featured advertisements portraying women with hour-glass figures and men with the bodies of Hercules, Americans have been on a quest that few of us have been able to fulfill. Add to this the fact that obesity is a danger and a detriment to health and longevity, and it hasn’t taken long for opportunists to create a weight-loss industry that siphons billions of dollars from our pockets each year. And to make matters worse, usually the only weight we lose is the weight of the cash flow out of our pockets. Arthritis- Muscle Cramps Spasms- Muscle Pain- Muscle Soreness- Prostate- Shingles- enough for this exercise. Old persons and persons whose spine is still should do this asana slowly in the initial stages. The final pose need be maintained only for a few seconds. Return to the starting position gradually. Continue Reading →
The hot foot bath stimulates the involuntary muscles of the uterus, intestines, bladder and other pelvic and abdominal organs. It also relieves sprains and ankle joint pains, headaches caused by cerebral congestion and colds. In women, it helps restore menstruation , if suspended, by increasing supply of blood especially to the uterus and ovaries. Constipation, Gas Flatulence, Nausea, Vomiting The Benefit of using Caraway Seed as a natural cure The common cold results from exposure to a virus. Its inten- sity however, depends upon the state of health of the person and by environmental factors. Lowered vitality, allergic disorders of the nose and throat, chilling of the body, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue and factors such as sudden changes in temperature, dust and other irritating inhalations are important contributory causes for the development of a cold. The amazing part of the story is how 5-HTP then performs in the body. And that is where biochemistry and cellular chemistry come into the picture. The biochemical or chemical functions of 5-HTP occur at the intracellular and intercellular levels in our bodies. Thus, we are mostly concerned with cellular chemistry and physiology, or cellular pathology in the case of illnesses. This should be followed for a week or two even a month or two, in chronic cases of long standing. The patient should begin the grape cure with a small quantity of 30, 60, to 90 grams per meal, gradually increasing this to double the quantity. In course of time, about 250 grams may safely be taken as a meal. Constipation- Gas Flatulence- Nausea- Vomiting- In some people, sleepwalking occurs less than once per month and does not result in harm to either the sleepwalker or others, while other people experience episodes more than once a month, but not nightly, and the activity does not harm anyone. However, in the most severe form of sleepwalking, the episodes occur almost nightly and can result in physical injury. Further more, the sleepwalker may feel embarrassment, shame, guilt, anxiety, and confusion when told about his sleepwalking behavior. If the problem becomes so severe that the sleepwalker exits the house or is having frequent episodes and injuries are occurring, it is time to seek professional help. Continue Reading →
Cystitis The Benefit of using Capsella as a natural cure Cystitis- Continue Reading →
Dosages (Pheasant’s Eye) – Average daily dose 0.5-0.6 g standardized adonis herb; maximum single dose 1 g; maximum daily dose 3 g (KOM; PH2). Prostate The Benefit of using Broccoli as a natural cure Dosages (Pineapple) – 250-500 mg bromelain 3 ×/day (APA); 80-320 raw mg bromelain/day (KOM; PH2). Fruit food farmacy. It is desirable to use juices individually. In any case not more than three juices should be used in any one mixture. The following broad rules apply when using mixtures of juices : Juices from sweet fruits may be combined with juices of sub-acid fruits, but not with those 1. According to Dr. Linus Pauling, a noble prize-winning scientist, the regular use of this vitamin in Prostate- The human body is composed of various organs and parts, which are made up of tissues and cells. These tissues and cells are composed of 16 chemical elements. Continue Reading →
Children have essentially been weaned on soft drinks and calorie-dense fast-food restaurant fare. “Super-size” meals lead to super-size children and adults. Depression Mild The Benefit of using Borage as a natural cure In many cultures around the world, aperitifs and digestifs are included as part of the meal. Aperitifs and digestifs are herb -based infusions or extracts made with or without alcohol. Tradition shows the benefits of both on digestive functions. Aperitifs eaten before a meal prepare the body to receive food and jump- start digestive juices. ey can also help stimulate an absent appetite. Digestifs are taken after a meal to help reduce gas and bloating and to aid in successful digestion. Some take digestifs directly prior to the main Activities (Bladderwort) – Antiinflammatory ; Antispasmodic ; Choleretic ; Diuretic . Even mild to moderate obesity can increase the risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus by a multiple of ten. This is especially so if you carry a large portion of your excess storage fat in the abdominal area of your torso. Fatty tissue tends to increase your chance of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in two ways: first, by increasing the body’s demand for insulin, causing the pancreas to have difficulty in keeping up with the demand; and second, by increasing resistance to insulin by the cells of the body. Since the adipose, or fatty, tissue is resistant to the insulin, it remains in storage rather than being burned off as energy. Furthermore, ingested fats are more likely to be deposited into storage, creating a vicious cycle. Reducing the percentage of body fat by cutting calories and increasing exercise, combined with cultivating well-balanced nutritional habits, can reverse this detrimental cycle and push diabetes into remission. Depression Mild- After the all-fruit diet, the patient may gradually embark upon a balanced diet of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits, with generous use of special rejuvenative foods such as whey, soured milks, particularly made from goat’s milk, millet, garlic, honey, cold-pressed vegetable oils and brewer’s yeast. The patient should avoid smoking,alcohol, tea, coffee and all processed, canned, refined and denatured foods, especially white sugar and white flour and products made from them. Continue Reading →
Nevertheless, fats are not created equal; there are good ones and bad ones. Trans fats or a diet that is very high in fat can worsen acid reflux that may even lead to GERD – since it requires a lot of acids to digest. The longer the food stays in the stomach undigested, the chances of developing acid reflux increase. Memory The Benefit of using Blueberries as a natural cure Dosages (Night-Blooming Cereus) – 0.6 ml fluid extract to 10 ×/day; 0.12 to 2 ml 2-3 ×/day (HH2; PHR; PH2); 10 drops tincture (1:10) in sweet water 3-5 ×/day (HH2; PHR). If you recall from the first chapter, Serotonin does not cross the blood-brain barrier. The Serotonin needed for use as a neurotransmitter in the brain must be manufactured in the brain. There are several ways to increase the amount of this serotonin in the brain. The appearance of dermatitis varies according to its severity and the stage of its evolution. The first symptom is erythema or redness. This is usually followed by swelling of the skin due to oedema( excessive fluid retention ). Vesicle may appear thereafter .In case of their rupture, their bases exude serum. This condition is known as weeping dermatitis. Later, the serum dries up to form crusts. IN some people the disease seems to come and go without any great change in the skin itself. Memory- Activities (Red Cedar) – Abortifacient ; Antiaggregant ; Antiseptic ; Antitumor ; Cicatrizant ; Deobstruent ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Emmenagogue ; Escharotic ; Secretagogue ; R Continue Reading →
Whole cloves are most often used to stud meats and fruits to add flavor during cooking. They pair particularly well with ham, apples and pears, lending a distinctive sweet taste. Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Cholesterol High, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Disease The Benefit of using Blue Green Algae as a natural cure BGB; PH2); Earache ; Edema ; Elephantiasis ; Enterosis ; Epigastrosis ; Epistaxis ; Escherichia ; Fever ; Flu ; Fungus (1; DAD; MAB; Faulty nutrition: food is the fuel’ for your body in a literal sense – our energy comes from oxidising (i.e. burning’) glucose, which comes from the food we eat. However, to produce the molecules that are energy carriers, body cells need many vitamins and minerals. If these are lacking, which is often the case in a modern, highly processed diet, the body simply cannot maintain an adequate production of energy. One of the most common nutritional problems leading to lack of energy is drinking too much coffee. Nevertheless, fats are not created equal; there are good ones and bad ones. Trans fats or a diet that is very high in fat can worsen acid reflux that may even lead to GERD – since it requires a lot of acids to digest. The longer the food stays in the stomach undigested, the chances of developing acid reflux increase. Arteriosclerosis- Atherosclerosis- Cholesterol High- Hardening of the Arteries- Heart Disease- is considered the house of the emotions. When emotions run high, a person feels constrained or internalized, which creates a physical burden on the liver. Blue vervain is also helpful for head-aches and neck pain caused by extreme tension. Eases hot flashes and PMS Blue vervain has been used for centuries as an excellent women’s herb. ose su?ering from hot flashes will benefit from its cooling astringent properties. It can help balance progesterone levels, which typically drive PMS-C (premenstrual syndrome cravings disorder). Continue Reading →
Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction or a decrease in their functions, brought about by a variety of fators such as surgical injuries, tumour, excessive radiation and lack of normal menstrual cycle. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are yet other factors which can contribute to female sterility. Hair, Skin Issues The Benefit of using Black Castor Oil as a natural cure Because many of us have unconsciously developed a habit of relying on dysfunctional breathing patterns as strategies for dealing with stress, relaxing and allowing a normal breathing pattern can sometimes leave one feeling vulnerable in times of stress. If you find that this happens, then I suggest that you relax your muscles even more deeply. Allow an effortless, easy, relaxed normal breathing pattern to occur. Not long ago, an article was published disproving the generally accepted idea that all coumarin-containing plants are anticoagulants. Here is the backstory. In the early twentieth century, an investigation was initiated to determine why cows sometimes died of spontaneous bleeding after eating sweet clover (a plant containing relatively high amounts of coumarin). Scientists discovered that the metabolite of coumarin, dicoumarol, was created only when the plant was in contact with several different types of fungi-meaning that the blood-thinning action was created only when sweet clover and a mushroom or fungi of some sort come together. The article stated that sweet clover without this mushroom interaction does not produce the anticoagulant action. Drink chamomile and meadowsweet tea, mixed in equal proportions (for precautions see page 47). Adults: 3 cups a day, reducing to 1 cup a day once symptoms improve Hair- Skin Issues- Children have essentially been weaned on soft drinks and calorie-dense fast-food restaurant fare. “Super-size” meals lead to super-size children and adults. Continue Reading →
Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction or a decrease in their functions, brought about by a variety of fators such as surgical injuries, tumour, excessive radiation and lack of normal menstrual cycle. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are yet other factors which can contribute to female sterility. Allergies, Arthritis, Digestion, Hair, Migraine, Skin Issues, Teeth The Benefit of using Black Seed Oil as a natural cure Because many of us have unconsciously developed a habit of relying on dysfunctional breathing patterns as strategies for dealing with stress, relaxing and allowing a normal breathing pattern can sometimes leave one feeling vulnerable in times of stress. If you find that this happens, then I suggest that you relax your muscles even more deeply. Allow an effortless, easy, relaxed normal breathing pattern to occur. Not long ago, an article was published disproving the generally accepted idea that all coumarin-containing plants are anticoagulants. Here is the backstory. In the early twentieth century, an investigation was initiated to determine why cows sometimes died of spontaneous bleeding after eating sweet clover (a plant containing relatively high amounts of coumarin). Scientists discovered that the metabolite of coumarin, dicoumarol, was created only when the plant was in contact with several different types of fungi-meaning that the blood-thinning action was created only when sweet clover and a mushroom or fungi of some sort come together. The article stated that sweet clover without this mushroom interaction does not produce the anticoagulant action. Drink chamomile and meadowsweet tea, mixed in equal proportions (for precautions see page 47). Adults: 3 cups a day, reducing to 1 cup a day once symptoms improve Allergies- Arthritis- Digestion- Hair- Migraine- Skin Issues- Teeth- Children have essentially been weaned on soft drinks and calorie-dense fast-food restaurant fare. “Super-size” meals lead to super-size children and adults. Continue Reading →
The only device that I have come across that I like is the Frolov device, or the U.S. knock-off (for half the price) called BreathSlim. This device uses water to provide resistance for either the inhalation or the exhalation or both. And I find that resistance on exhalation is often far more beneficial than resistance on the inhalation. That is because the gentle resistance on exhalation trains the muscles in the chest and abdomen to relax. Detoxification, Jaundice The Benefit of using Beet Root as a natural cure Enzymes form part of the food we eat. Raw foods contain enzymes in abundance ; cooking, pasteurising, pickling, smoking and other processings denature enzymes. It is, therefore, essential to include in our diet, substantial amount of raw foods in the form of fruits, raw salads and sprouts. Studies have revealed that the body without sufficient raw materials from raw foods, may tire and produce fewer enzymes year after year. This may lead to wearing out of body processes and consequent worn-out looks. While gathering roots and rhizomes, replant root crowns and rhizome pieces directly in the ground, especially if a bud is present, to help the plant regrow. If you need to strip bark, do not remove it from a living part of the plant. Instead, look for freshly fallen branches and remove bark from those parts. If you must remove bark from a healthy part of a plant, remove only very small, vertical strips, and never, ever girdle a tree (remove bark horizontally around the entire trunk) or you will kill it entirely. If you cut too much, the wound you create opens a path for bacterial and fungal infections, which can kill the tree. Activities (Cubeb) – Antibacterial ; Antiseptic ; Antiviral ; Aphrodisiac ; Astringent ; Carminative ; Diuretic ; Expectorant ; Fungicide ; Laxative ; Litholytic ; Memorigenic ; Sedative ; Stimulant ; Tonic ; Urinary Antiseptic ; Vibriocide . Detoxification- Jaundice- Hysteria ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Insomnia ; Laryngosis ; Lumbago ; Malaria ; Myalgia ; Continue Reading →
Activities (Paper Mulberry) – Aldose-Reductase Inhibitor ; Antiaggregant ; Anticancer ; Antioxidant ; Antiproliferant ; Antiseptic ; Aromatase Inhibitor ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Estrogenic ; Fungicide ; Hemostat ; Hepatoprotective ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Protein-Kinase-C Diabetes Type 2 The Benefit of using Beans Navy as a natural cure The only device that I have come across that I like is the Frolov device, or the U.S. knock-off (for half the price) called BreathSlim. This device uses water to provide resistance for either the inhalation or the exhalation or both. And I find that resistance on exhalation is often far more beneficial than resistance on the inhalation. That is because the gentle resistance on exhalation trains the muscles in the chest and abdomen to relax. Clumps of flimsy stems, 4 to 6 inches, are covered in fine hairs on one side. Small ovate leaves are oppositely arranged. Tiny white flowers grow in terminal clusters. Grows nearly everywhere, at the bases of trees, in yards, woods, flower boxes, and gravel roads. In moist, temperate climates, harvest young shoots almost year-round. Annual. Collect seedpods when flowers fade and allow them to dry. Directly sow outdoors in fall or after last frost. Grow in any soil, part shade. Zones 3-8. In order to perform the reduced breathing exercises, begin with your hands on your chest and abdomen as when learning to breathe diaphragmatically. Relax your neck, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Allow the effects of gravity to gently relax the entire body so that you can feel the support of the ground beneath you. And turn your attention to your breath. Do not force any changes, but notice the pattern and gently soften and release any holding or tension. Begin to feel your abdomen moving outward slightly on the inhalation, and then gently return to neutral on a relaxed exhalation. Diabetes Type 2- Activities (Yellow Sweet Clover) – Alterative ; Analgesic ; Antiaggregant ; Antiedemic ; Antiexudative ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiprostaglandin ; Antispasmodic ; Antitumor ; Astringent ; Carcinogenic ; Carminative ; Collyrium ; Decongestant ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Emollient ; Expectorant ; Fumitory ; Hemostat ; Hepatotoxic ; Hypotensive ; Immunostimulant ; Insectifuge ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Lymphotonic ; Myorelaxant ; Nervine ; Neuralgia ; Poison ; Proteolytic ; Sedative ; Stimulant ; Tonic ; Vasodilator ; Vulnerary . Continue Reading →
Activities (Paper Mulberry) – Aldose-Reductase Inhibitor ; Antiaggregant ; Anticancer ; Antioxidant ; Antiproliferant ; Antiseptic ; Aromatase Inhibitor ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Estrogenic ; Fungicide ; Hemostat ; Hepatoprotective ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Protein-Kinase-C High blood pressure The Benefit of using Beans as a natural cure The only device that I have come across that I like is the Frolov device, or the U.S. knock-off (for half the price) called BreathSlim. This device uses water to provide resistance for either the inhalation or the exhalation or both. And I find that resistance on exhalation is often far more beneficial than resistance on the inhalation. That is because the gentle resistance on exhalation trains the muscles in the chest and abdomen to relax. Clumps of flimsy stems, 4 to 6 inches, are covered in fine hairs on one side. Small ovate leaves are oppositely arranged. Tiny white flowers grow in terminal clusters. Grows nearly everywhere, at the bases of trees, in yards, woods, flower boxes, and gravel roads. In moist, temperate climates, harvest young shoots almost year-round. Annual. Collect seedpods when flowers fade and allow them to dry. Directly sow outdoors in fall or after last frost. Grow in any soil, part shade. Zones 3-8. In order to perform the reduced breathing exercises, begin with your hands on your chest and abdomen as when learning to breathe diaphragmatically. Relax your neck, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Allow the effects of gravity to gently relax the entire body so that you can feel the support of the ground beneath you. And turn your attention to your breath. Do not force any changes, but notice the pattern and gently soften and release any holding or tension. Begin to feel your abdomen moving outward slightly on the inhalation, and then gently return to neutral on a relaxed exhalation. High blood pressure- Activities (Yellow Sweet Clover) – Alterative ; Analgesic ; Antiaggregant ; Antiedemic ; Antiexudative ; Antiinflammatory ; Antiprostaglandin ; Antispasmodic ; Antitumor ; Astringent ; Carcinogenic ; Carminative ; Collyrium ; Decongestant ; Digestive ; Diuretic ; Emollient ; Expectorant ; Fumitory ; Hemostat ; Hepatotoxic ; Hypotensive ; Immunostimulant ; Insectifuge ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Lymphotonic ; Myorelaxant ; Nervine ; Neuralgia ; Poison ; Proteolytic ; Sedative ; Stimulant ; Tonic ; Vasodilator ; Vulnerary . Continue Reading →
Synonyms – Arum seguine Jacq., Caladium maculatum G. Lodd., Dieffenbachia amoena hort., D. baraquiniana Verschaff. & Lem., D. exotica hort., D. maculata (G. Lodd.) G. Don, D. picta Schott, D. picta var. baraquiniana (Verschaff. & Lem.) Engl. Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Travelers Diarrhea The Benefit of using Banana as a natural cure In contrast, inflammation triggers are the events that precipitate a specific inflammatory response after the body is already primed for an overreaction. Although it is not the same as correcting the causes of inflammation, it is very important to avoid events that trigger inflammation. A feature which distinguishes enzymes from inorganic catalysts is that they are absolutely specific in their actions. This means that a particular enzyme can cause reactions involving only a particular type of substance or a group of closely related substances. The substance on which the enzyme acts is known as “substrate”. The specificity of an enzyme is, however, related to the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex which requires that the appropriate groupings of both substrate and enzyme should be in correct relative position. The substrate must fit the enzyme like a key fits its lock. Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Java Tea) – Not covered (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). None reported for oral dosing. Fatigue- Irritable Bowel Syndrome- Travelers Diarrhea- ose developing new pharmaceuticals may also encounter a variety of problems. In particular, they cannot patent crude plant preparations-in other words, they cannot patent nature. erefore, drug developers are constantly on the lookout for single plant components that they can isolate and change slightly so they can patent it. Consider coumarin, for example, which is found in red clover, aniseed, fenugreek, and other herbs. Coumarin increases blood flow in the veins and decreases capillary permeability. After isolating coumarin from a plant, biotechnicians added a small salt molecule. is did not alter the action of coumarin, yet it produced a new substance that was patentable. Continue Reading →
Activities (Common Buckthorn) – Antitumor ; Collyrium ; Depurative ; Diuretic ; Emetic ; Laxative ; Peristaltic . Indigestion, Memory, Nausea, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach The Benefit of using Basil as a natural cure with the same activity.” The presence of ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, and diuretics makes this herb a safer offering in my book, than the four separate pharmaceuticals belonging to those A, B, C, and D recommendations for cardiopathy. “Roots, leaves, and flowers all contain cardioactive compounds (CRC). One paper cited in Mitchell and Rook notes that corneal scratches with the thorns led to blindness in 88 of 132 Irish accidents. With cyanogenic and cardioactive compounds, not to mention tannin, scattered throughout the plant, it should not be taken lightly” (CRC). The presence of oleanolic and ursolic acids (COX-2 inhibitors) may be equally significant in Alzheimer’s disease, arthrosis, and cancer. With isolated guinea pig heart muscle, luteolin-7-glucoside increased coronary flow 186%, hyperoside 66%, and rutin 66% (PH2). The menopause can bring an array of health problems: hot flushes, mood swings, low libido, discomfort during sex and joint aches. Each woman will have an individual set of symptoms that will vary in severity. And each woman will need an individual prescription, which may need to be adjusted as the symptoms improve. Therefore the two prescriptions here will suit only a proportion of women and should be customised to treat your unique set of symptoms. Organs or systems affected Bladder, uterus, gastrointestinal system Therapeutic actions Partu-rient, diuretic, tonic, astringent Nature Bitter, cool, dry Plant constituents Resin, wax, mucilage, dextrin, saponin Flower essence Provides support for initiating new beginnings Indigestion- Memory- Nausea- Poor Digestion- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- Among its many neurotransmitter duties, Serotonin works to modulate the sleep state. When Serotonin levels drop, one of the results is insomnia. Serotonin is one of three monoamines found in the brain. The others are dopamine and noradrenalin, formed from the amino acid tyrosine. These neurotransmitters promote over-arousal, tension, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Serotonin offsets the effects of these chemicals. When you eat a high protein meal, brain levels of tyrosine rise and more of these neurotransmitters are manufactured than Serotonin. When you eat a high carbohydrate meal, the insulin secreted by the pancreas clears the other competing amino acids out of the blood and into cells. In other words, carbohydrates work to get tryptophan into the brain. Continue Reading →
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Sheep Sorrel) – Class 2d (AHP). Those with kidney stones should avoid this plant. Oxalates should be avoided by patients with endometriosis and nephrosis. Oxalic acid levels may attain 10-35% of dry matter in some species. The LDlo reported for humans is 700 mg/kg body weight. Weighing 110 kg, my LDlo would be 77,000 mg, or 77 g (more than 2 ounces of oxalic acid) (HOW). Polysaccharides show antitumor activity (ZUL). Alzheimers Disease, Depression Mild, Forgetfulness, Memory, Memory The Benefit of using Bacopa Monnieri as a natural cure Alzheimers Disease- Depression Mild- Forgetfulness- Memory- Memory- Continue Reading →
Cancer, Skin Issues The Benefit of using Astaxanthin as a natural cure Cancer- Skin Issues- Continue Reading →
Persons suffering from low blood sugar should take six to eight small meals a day instead of two or three large ones. Eating raw nuts and seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds or drinking milk, butter milk or fruit juices between meals will be highly beneficial. All refined and processed foods , white sugar, white flour and their by-products should be completely eliminated from the diet. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks should also be avoided. The consumption of salt should be reduced as an excessive intake of salt causes loss of blood potassium, which causes blood sugar to drop. The following is the menu suggested for hypoglycemia. Dyspepsia, Gas Flatulence, Indigestion, Poor Digestion, Stomach Upset, Upset Stomach The Benefit of using Anise Seed as a natural cure Dosages (European Peony) – 1 tsp (~1 g) flower/cup water (APA; PH2; WIC); 30-40 grains seed for nightmare (FEL); 2 g seed (HHB); 3-12 g peony root (FAY); 1 oz root boiled in a pint of liquid (1 part “good gin”:2 parts water) (FEL); 1-30 drops root tincture (FEL); 0.3-0.6 g powder root for children (MAD); 5-15 drops tincture (MAD); 2-3 fluid oz 3-4 ×/day (FEL). Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Prickly Poppy) – Ingestion of the seed oil can cause anemia, diarrhea, dysentery, high-tension glaucoma, and vomiting due to the carcinogenic’ alkaloid, sanguinarine. Toxicity is due to interaction of sanguinarine and 11-oxo-triacon-tanoic acid. Milk of cows fed prickly poppy can cause glaucoma (WO2). LD50 of argemone oil any side effects from the 2-4 capsules or tablets I take a day, every day, without fail, for the prevention of the gout crisis. Celery herb, seed, and root unapproved for therapeutic application, as far as Germany’s Commission E is concerned. Dyspepsia- Gas Flatulence- Indigestion- Poor Digestion- Stomach Upset- Upset Stomach- A paste made from the seeds of the radish is valuable in treating leucoderma. About 35 grams of these seeds should be powdered in apple cider vinegar and applied on the white patches. For better results, seeds should be finely pounded, mixed with a little white arsenic and soaked in vinegar at night. Continue Reading →
The other useful measures are plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress and plenty of fresh, pure air. Lack of Appetite The Benefit of using Allspice as a natural cure Chill, fever, rapid pulse and breathing, nausea, local pain and discharge are the symptoms of acute metritis. This is a very rare case, but it may occur after confinement on account of infection. Chronic metritis may occur for many reasons and is probably the most common diseases among women. The symptoms are disorders of menstruation, more or less profuse leucorrhoea, constipation, lack of vitality, weakness in the back and the limbs, pain in the lower portion of the back and a tendency to abortion. Synonyms: C. scoparius var. andreanus (Puiss.) Dippel, C. scoparius var. prostratus (C. Bailey) F. Hanb. ex. A. K. Jacks., C. scoparius var. sulphureus Goldring, Genista andreana Puiss., Saroth-S Controlled breathing is also a great help in inducing sleep. The method is to lie on your side in bed, and then take three deep breaths expanding the abdomen completely. Then hold your brath as long as you can. Next, take three more breaths and repeat the breath-holding. While you hold your breath, carbon dioxide accumulates in the body and induces natural sleep. Lack of Appetite- Combined with the Biblical chicory and peppermint, hops documentably relieves pain in chronic cholecystosis (calculous and noncalculous). Continue Reading →