
Indications (Alkanet) – Abscess ; Ameba ; Bacteria ; Burn ; Cancer ; Cancer, uterus ; Candida ; Decubitis ; Dermatosis ; Diarrhea ; EBV ; Indolent Ulcer ; Induration ; Inflammation ; Leukemia ; Snakebite ; Sore ; Staphylococcus ; Ulcus cruris ; Uterosis ; Virus ; Wound ; Yeast . Antioxidant, Blood Sugar, Boils, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Colds, COPD, Diabetes, Energy, Fatigue, Flu Virus, Heart, Herpes, Immune System, Infection, Libido, Liver, Memory, Menstruation, Stamina The Benefit of using Ginseng as a natural cure Malaria ; Mastosis ; Measles ; Menorrhagia ; Mycosis ; Nephrosis ; Nervousness ; Pain Activities (White Cohosh) – Allergenic ; Alterative ; Anticonvulsant ; Aperitif ; Circulostimulant ; Deliriant ; Emetic ; Insectifuge ; Lactagogue ; Laxative ; Nervine ; Spasmogenic ; Vesicant . Successful treatment with herbs requires some experimenting. We are all different genetically and we all vary in our response to herbs. Certain people will need larger doses than others and certain people will react well to a particular herb that does not do much for others. If you tried a particular herb selection from the must-have herbs and this did not sort out the problem, try some herbs from the ‘optional herbs’ selection, as they may suit you better. Observe your reaction to a particular herb carefully: for most conditions described in this book I would expect results from within a few hours to up to a few days. Once you have found a reliable herb that works for you in a particular situation, stick to it. Antioxidant- Blood Sugar- Boils- Cancer- Cardiovascular- Cholesterol- Cirrhosis of the Liver- Colds- COPD- Diabetes- Energy- Fatigue- Flu Virus- Heart- Herpes- Immune System- Infection- Libido- Liver- Memory- Menstruation- Stamina- Activities (American Hellebore) – Abortifacient ; Analgesic ; Antipyretic ; Antispasmodic ; Aperitif (f; Continue Reading →