Activities (Scurvy-Grass) – Antibacterial ; Antiscorbutic ; Antiseptic ; Depurative ; Discutient ; Diuretic ; Irritant ; Rubefacient ; Stimulant ; Stomachic . Angina, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Bacterial Infections, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Candida Yeast Infection, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Cholesterol High, Detoxification, Diabetes, Diabetes Type 2, Flu Virus, Gallbladder, Genito-Urinary Ailments, Hardening of the Arteries, Heart, Heart Disease, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Immune System, Immunity, Infection, Infections, Inflammation, Mononucleosis, Poor Circulation, Ulcers, Urinary Tract Problems, Venereal Disease, Worms, Yeast, Yeast Infections The Benefit of using Garlic as a natural cure Herein are described certain yogic kriyas, asanas and pranayama which have specific therapeutic values and are highly beneficial in the maintenance of health and the healing of diseases. Use essential oils: Apply helichrysum directly to stop bleeding. Apply frankincense or lavender topically to prevent infection. Activities (Common Buckthorn) – Antitumor ; Collyrium ; Depurative ; Diuretic ; Emetic ; Laxative ; Peristaltic . Angina- Arteriosclerosis- Asthma- Atherosclerosis- Bacterial Infections- Blood Pressure- Cancer- Candida Yeast Infection- Cardiovascular- Cholesterol- Cholesterol High- Detoxification- Diabetes- Diabetes Type 2- Flu Virus- Gallbladder- Genito-Urinary Ailments- Hardening of the Arteries- Heart- Heart Disease- Herpes- High Blood Pressure- Hypertension- Immune System- Immunity- Infection- Infections- Inflammation- Mononucleosis- Poor Circulation- Ulcers- Urinary Tract Problems- Venereal Disease- Worms- Yeast- Yeast Infections- Lamberg, L., Melatonin potentially useful but safety, efficacy remain uncertain, JAMA, 276, 1011-1014, 1996. Continue Reading →