Cats Claw
Conjunctivosis ; Constipation ; Cough ; Cramp ; Dementia ; Dentition ; Dermatosis ; Anxiety, Chronic Dizziness, Colic, Dyspepsia, Fever, Gall Bladder, Gas Flatulence, Gastritis, Headache, Hives, Indigestion, Insomnia, Lack of Appetite, Migraine Headaches, Motion Sickness, Nervous Conditions, Poor Digestion, Restlessness, Stomach Upset, Tension, Upset Stomach, Vertigo The Benefit of using Catnip as a natural cure Erect stems, 2 to 6 feet. in leaves are serrated and arranged in whorls of three to seven. Small, white to pale blue flowers grow in slender raceme spikes, midsummer to early fall. Widely natural-ized, grows in low ground, thickets, and moist meadows, but is threatened or endangered in some areas. Drought-tolerant perennial. Propagate by dividing rhizomes or tubers in fall. Grow in mildly alkaline soil, full sun to part shade. Zones 3-8. Activities (Perilla) – Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor ; Allergenic ; Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Anticancer ; Antidote ; Antidote, crab ; Antidote, fish ; Antimelanomic ; Antinephrotic ; Antioxidant ; Antiproliferant ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antispasmodic ; Antitussive ; Antiulcer ; Carminative Black raisins are also useful for restoration of sexual vigour. They should be boiled with milk after washing them thoroughly in tepid water. This will make them swollen and sweet. Eating of such raisins should be followed by the use of milk. Starting with 30 grams of raising with 200 ml. Anxiety- Chronic Dizziness- Colic- Dyspepsia- Fever- Gall Bladder- Gas Flatulence- Gastritis- Headache- Hives- Indigestion- Insomnia- Lack of Appetite- Migraine Headaches- Motion Sickness- Nervous Conditions- Poor Digestion- Restlessness- Stomach Upset- Tension- Upset Stomach- Vertigo- Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health have found that persons who have a history of dysphoria (two weeks of profound sadness), or who have had a major depressive episode, increase their chances of having another heart attack more than four times. This risk was independent of other typical risk factors for heart disease, leading one researcher to comment: “It seems likely that people with heart disease may benefit as much from an antidepressant as from an anti-cholesterol agent.” Continue Reading →