Acne Remedies
There are several natural remedies for Acne. Here are some suggestions that may work for you: Aloe, Calendula, Cayenne, Dandelion Root, Echinacea Purpurea, Echincacea Angustifolia, Inositol, Kelp, Mil Continue Reading →
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There are several natural remedies for Acne. Here are some suggestions that may work for you: Aloe, Calendula, Cayenne, Dandelion Root, Echinacea Purpurea, Echincacea Angustifolia, Inositol, Kelp, Mil Continue Reading →
Acne Home Remedies: Home remedies for acne start with a good skincare regimen, ie a gentle cleanser and an oil-free moisturizer. Teenagers and adults alike, are too aggressive when they clean their face, Continue Reading →
You’ve probably seen it by now – a very spotty teenager with a before and after shot, showing his acne completely gone in 4 weeks. Is there any truth in it? Well maybe just a little. You pay your money to read the same old theories with a slightly different slant but here’s the thing.
Acne can be very troublesome for teenagers, and sometimes it persists into adulthood. It may require prolonged treatment, sometimes with herbs that can influence the hormones involved. Continue Reading →
It’s pretty impossible to be a teenager today because you have hundreds of things to deal with. It can feel like it’s too much and you just want to close your eyes until you become an adult. Finding y Continue Reading →
Acne is an issue faced by both genders at some point in life, agults and tee4nagers alike. The worst is that if you have somehow overcome the problem of acne, you don’t know how to get rid of those ug Continue Reading →